Friday, September 30, 2016

My 36th Birthday

Gulp!  How did I get so old!?!?

We celebrated with a birthday dinner at Sidewall Pizza(YUMMMY!) in TR and a laid back evening at the house!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Grandparents' Lunch at School

The kids and their grandparents(minus Grandpa, we missed you!!) enjoyed their annual Grandparents' Lunch at school followed by a little trip through the Book Fair where goodies were conned out of all adults involved!  LOL!!  I was volunteering on the day that everyone attended for the first time ever, so I was able to sit and eat with them too:)

Gigi stayed for a few hours in the afternoon and helped
the kids with C's new science experiment kit he scored
at the book fair - because who would actually get books there!?!?

Friday, September 23, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

First Day of Fall!

I am beyond ready for some cooler weather!!

This morning started off on the cooler side, yet still in the 70s, but ended pretty darn warm!  I'm ready for crisp mornings, jeans and dinner on the screened porch!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

3rd Grade Tie Dye Day

I've been at the school A LOT already this year!  I think once we get through September I'll be able to stay away more and keep it to once a week like I like it!:)  

Today was a different kind of day, though, because my main purpose in being there was to help S's class tie dye their field trip/class shirts for the year!

It was a fun way to get to know some of the other students and parents in her class, as well as her teacher!  

The kids had a ball tie dying and having a 1.5 hour recess at the same time!  Score!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Coffee and Canvases

Tonight our women's group at church hosted a Coffee and Canvases night for us all to come and enjoy coffee, desserts and fellowship while painting and having a devotion as well!  Several of the girls from our Sunday school class, as well as a couple of others, met there and had a blast!  There was lots of laughter and fun!  It was a good way to "escape" for a couple of hours:)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Other Odds and Ends

Last day of laying low with strep!

My first attempt at fried eggs - not pretty but they tasted good!

Punishment Running - we've started having the kids run laps
up and down the street when C gets bad behavior reports home
and when S forgets to bring her homework notebooks home!

I hope his teacher found the humor is this as she wrote it!;)

It was raining one day after dance... Bethany carried S on her
back while Grace held the umbrella over them all!  Teamwork!!

S's robot - complete with cars on the bottom that are
battery operated so that this thing could really move!
So creative!
During Boosterthon Week, S's class earned hat day - her
hair was in pigtail braids and it was so super cute!

Another day during Boosterthon Week, C's class earned
super hero day:)

I was showing the kids a video clip from the Ellen Show of
a kid explaining the color charts at school for behavior!  It
really hit home with C!!!:)  Hilarious!!
Nutcracker rehearsals have begun:)  Every Saturday night from
now through December...

Mermaid at the pool

Usually I have TONS of new seasonal clothes for the kids!
Not this year, I'm tired of having 1,000 shirts in their closets
and yet they choose to wear only 5 of them over and over
and over again!!  This is it - including coats and jammies! 

The kids found the Easter basket somewhere(no clue!!) and
were having egg hunts around the house one night!

Sunsets this time of year are amazing!

Starting to feel like fall in the mornings!!  Ahh!!!

Before school bike riding!

LOVE this weather!  Neighborhood running!


C playing goalie at soccer practice

C had a play date at the house and this is what S
thought about it when she got hold of my phone!

Boys everywhere!

Me and C playing Guess Who?

Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Wiggles

Oh the struggle is REAL!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

1st Soccer Game

Today was C's first game of the season and first game playing on a 6-7 year old team!  It was a noon game and HOT!  It was incredible to watch the skill level of this age group versus the younger age group!  They actually played a real game, with real positions, and weren't one big blob running around the field!  C has a good little team and it's going to be a fun season!

Praying before the game started.

C played goalie one quarter!

C and Aiden kicking off the ball!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Boosterthon Fun Run

Today was the day of the much anticipated Boosterthon at the kids' school!!!

For the past couple of weeks all I've heard about(at home and when I'm up at the school) is getting pledges and who got what prize!  The kids have been so excited throughout the whole process and were very eager and ready to run today!

It was a very warm day, I'm gonna say it was actually HOT!  I was sweating and I was just handing out water and cheering them on!  C was lucky and started at 8:30am and then next S had her chance at 9:30am.  Even still, there was no breeze at all and it warmed up quickly!

I was proud of both of the kids and their running!  They ran the entire time pretty much(I think it ends up being about 2 miles for 35 laps), except for when they took water breaks, and both got their 35 laps done!  Woohoo!!

I was helping out with the water station, but of course still got my pictures!!!

I caught up with C's class on my way out to the field:)

Lined up and ready to go!

Warm-up lap

He's kinda in the background - check out the determination!


Mr. Gibson, the principal, pumping up the 2nd and 3rd graders!

S's class all lined up

She's got a look of determination too:)

Coming in for a refill at my water station
Shelby and S at the finish line!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Gigi's Visit

Gigi came up yesterday afternoon and spent some time with us!

Yesterday, she was able to go to S's dance class and check out her new studio and then also to C's soccer practice!  It was nice to have her here to help get the kids showered and ready for bed while I prepped dinner because it was a lot of activity we were trying to squeeze into one afternoon - why are Tuesdays always the crazy days?!!?!?

Today, I took the kids to school and Gigi and I had a very nice lunch at Stone Soup in Landrum and walked around some shops up there too!  It was a good girls' afternoon out!  When the kids got home from school, Gigi was their playmate, drama instructor and their school "teacher"(to get homework done)!

Always fun visits!!