Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dance Begins

S is starting at a new dance studio this year, the same one she did camp at this summer, and it has finally started this week!!  It is closer than her previous studio was and 2 other girls from her school attend the same class that we will be carpooling with, so we are hoping that this eases some of the stress on all of us having to drive forever away and sit and wait for 1-1.5 hours twice a week!

This new studio is just as intense, if not more so, than her last studio, she will be at practice twice a week for 1.5 hours each day and they still do the Nutcracker which she will be participating in as well! So far, I've gotten positive feedback from her after her classes and she seems to be enjoying it!

We are hoping for a smooth transition and enjoyable experience this year!!!

Carpool girls:)

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