Thursday, September 8, 2016

Boosterthon Fun Run

Today was the day of the much anticipated Boosterthon at the kids' school!!!

For the past couple of weeks all I've heard about(at home and when I'm up at the school) is getting pledges and who got what prize!  The kids have been so excited throughout the whole process and were very eager and ready to run today!

It was a very warm day, I'm gonna say it was actually HOT!  I was sweating and I was just handing out water and cheering them on!  C was lucky and started at 8:30am and then next S had her chance at 9:30am.  Even still, there was no breeze at all and it warmed up quickly!

I was proud of both of the kids and their running!  They ran the entire time pretty much(I think it ends up being about 2 miles for 35 laps), except for when they took water breaks, and both got their 35 laps done!  Woohoo!!

I was helping out with the water station, but of course still got my pictures!!!

I caught up with C's class on my way out to the field:)

Lined up and ready to go!

Warm-up lap

He's kinda in the background - check out the determination!


Mr. Gibson, the principal, pumping up the 2nd and 3rd graders!

S's class all lined up

She's got a look of determination too:)

Coming in for a refill at my water station
Shelby and S at the finish line!

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