Thursday, January 31, 2013

Without Daddy Again

We've been "doing life" without Daddy again these past several days!

In addition to going to Runway Cafe and loosing a tooth, we've been having fun and not cooking and going to bed early for the kids and late for me:)  HAHA!

C loves sitting on potty.  I guess you can say this is a good thing and it is him getting ready for the whole potty training thing.  However, I do not enjoy it at all!!  He sat on this potty for no less than 30 minutes.  I was able to prepare dinner and get his room cleaned up while he just sat, but he also screamed and threw a fit when I told him it was time to eat.  He asks all.the.time to sit on the potty.  I'd let him if he sat about 5-10 minutes and then was ready to move on to other things, but him sitting there for about forever it tough:)  He is cute sitting up there, so I guess it's not that bad! 

C and I went to the park and enjoyed the 70* weather on Tuesday while S was at dance.  We spent almost an hour and a half there and it was gorgeous!! 

S loves to do crafts!!  I mean, she is obsessed:)  Since C could care less and pretty much just frustrates us when he is around a craft, I usually reserve our craft time for when C actually takes a nap - which happens about once a week or so!  I ordered S a year subscription for the Kiwi Crate as a Christmas present.  This was our 2nd crate and we love it!!  They send you the directions for about 3 different crafts all all the supplies you'll need to do them each month.  I love it because the worse part about doing crafts was getting all the supplies together and hunting around the house for what I need and then taking multiple trips to Target or Hobby Lobby.  This is much easier and probably cheaper in the long run and the crafts are very cute!

Wednesday evening we had a tornado warning during dinner time.  I was home alone with the kids and it kinda worried me, so I had prepared the back hallway in the event that a tornado was coming!  I had dinner cooking and about the time I was getting ready to serve it out, my phone sent off an alarm and the TV news announced that we were now under a tornado warning(which is worse than a watch).  I told the kids to go get back in the hallway and then I brought us dinner.  It was great at first but then the kids got crazy and rowdy and loud and back in that little area with the three of had the walls feel like they were closing in on us!  They loved every minute of it though!  When the warning was over, which was about 30 minutes, I catapulted out of the hall!  Glad it was over but even more glad that we didn't have to endure an actual tornado!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

S Lost Her 1st Tooth!!

S lost her first tooth yesterday just before we left for dance class!!!!!!

She came into my room and showed me how loose it was and I told her to pull on it and see what happened:)  She said "NO, it will hurt!" but she was brave and gave it an oh-so-small tug and out it came!  AWESOME!!!!!!  She was beside herself!

I'm so proud of her for being brave and she is already working hard on getting her next one out - and it won't be long because it is super-loose as well!

Last night the tooth fairy made her first stop at the Bishop house:)  When S's tooth started getting really loose, I ordered her a pillow for her to put the tooth in.  It turned out so cute!  Anyway, she had the tooth inside the little pocket of the pillow hanging on the easel in her room.  I went in there to get it and could not for the life of me get the tooth out of the pointed little bottom of that pocket.  I had to go into the bathroom to try and get it out of there!  In the meantime, S wakes up and says "Huh?  What are you doing?"  I freak out and say "Nothing, just checking on you, go back to sleep!" and closed the door quickly so that the light from the bathroom wouldn't show the fact that her pillow was gone.  Whew!  Lucky enough, she was too out of it to realize what I was doing.  I waited about an hour and took the money-filled tooth pillow back into her room and hung it back on the easel.  I was so scared this time!!! I'd already concocted a story in my head if she woke up again and caught me with the pillow in my hand:)  I do not make a very good tooth fairy! 

But, all was well in the morning and I don't even think she remembered me waking her up!  She was so excited to see that the tooth fairy had given her FIVE dollars!  I had to make sure she realized that this was a one time deal because it was her first tooth and not to expect the tooth fairy to be so generous the next time:)  It was fun to watch her so excited about all of this!  I guess we will probably be doing it all again in the next week or so for tooth #2 - this time I need to convince her to not put her tooth so far down in that pillow pocket!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Together Tuesdays

So, I know you are all wondering, "what in the world happened to Together Tuesdays?"  Okay, maybe you aren't wondering, but it doesn't change the fact that I am mourning the loss of them!!  When C's new speech therapist started, we also had to adapt to a new schedule and we are now having speech Tuesdays and Thursdays and S has school Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Meaning, we have no free mornings until school is out in May:(  Very sad!

But, today was a bit different because C had his evaluation for Child Find.  When he turns 3, he will have to move on from BabyNet and into the Greenville County School System program's, Child Find.  He was referred for further evaluation in speech pronunciation and will be tested in May to see if he qualifies.  I hope that he does because I feel that he still has some work to do, but we will see how things pan out.  We started with an early appointment and ended early leaving us the majority of the morning to have fun. 

We did!!

We went to Runway Cafe and watched the planes, and there were a TON of them!!  One must have been a student because they would take off, fly around, land, keep going down the runway and take off again... over and over the entire time we were there:)  So we literally saw a plane landing and taking off the entire time we were there as well as being interspersed with others!

I'm glad we were able to have this morning together!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


This little guy absolutely LOVES his Daddy's truck!!  When we go to get into my car, which is what we ride in most often, he throws a temper tantrum at least 72% of the time!  I'm not sure how many times I have to explain that Daddy has his truck at work and even if the truck were here, I certainly cannot safely drive anything with more than 4 wheels on it! 

So, when Daddy is home, C can be seen riding up and down Bishop Avenue "driving" in Daddy's lap:)  Today, however, after they'd done that, C was not ready to get out of the truck and insisted on actually going somewhere.  S's car seat was in the truck(she has pink eye and since it is Sunday I had to teach at church so M took her to the doctor this morning and I had C with me at church... as if you really care whyonly her seat was in the truck to begin with!), so he gets his way and has a ride around the neighborhood in his Sissy's seat.  Oh, he was a happy little boy.  And, oh, did he have a cat-that-just-ate-the-canary smile on his face about the whole situation:)

My boys love their trucks!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Icy Day

Today has been quite interesting!
It was forecasted to be very icy this morning, so I got up when M left at 5am and turned on the news.  Nothing reported yet for Greenville County.  Okay, so we'll just go about our morning as normal and go to school.  I continually check for closings, but nothing.  I check before we leave, nothing.  I check in the parking lot before walking S in to school, nothing.  I drop her off at 9am, go across the street to the gym, drop C off in the nursery, go to the bathroom, check my phone at 9:07am and get a message to come pick S up because Greenville County is dismissing at 10am.  HAHA!  A SEVEN minute school day has got to be a record!:)  I left my gym bag in the locker at the gym, picked C up from the nursery, went back across the street and picked S up, was back to the gym and kids checked into the nursery by 9:20am.  And, I got my workout done:)

It was pretty icy on the way home and we saw several cars spun out on the bridge and one accident, but we made it home safely and spent the rest of the afternoon at the house!!

We read lots and lots of books and enjoyed some hot chocolate(which C "ate" with a spoon, silly boy!) while staying in the warm house!!  AND, I am very thankful that M came home a bit early with some food because we had pretty much nothing in our refrigerator!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Park Days

The last couple of days it has been so very cold!!!

Before it got too cold, early this week(thinking it was Monday), we went to the park and played knowing it would be a few days before we got back outside(last week rain, this week cold - it must be winter!!). There were a BUNCH of "big kids" there including about a dozen 8(ish)-year-old boys and I got an eye-opening glimpse into what my life as a mom of a boy is going to be like in a few years! Boys are loud and crazy and I'm not going to be able to watch as C does the death-defying stunts that these boys were doing!!!

Despite this disturbing realization(ha!), we had a good time and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Girl Tooth

We were told we had a loose tooth on July 17, 2012.  Actually, we were told we had three loose ones in there.  They sure have taken their sweet time to get moving!!!

Last week S started complaing about her teeth hurting here near her gums and I knew that things must be finally making progress!!  I saw one of the teeth for myself this past Friday.

Today we saw the dentist for a regular 6 month visit and he told us to get her TWO bottom front teeth out within two weeks!  The big teeth are ready and those baby teeth apparently have!  Sooo... S and I stopped on the way home and stocked up on popsicles(to numb the teeth) and apples(to crunch away on once the teeth are numb!).  He also told me get any pictures done now because this is the last time she'll have all her baby teeth!!  Too bad our family pictures are not until April... guess we'll be sporting big girl teeth in those!

I ordered S a cute little tooth pillow that I am hoping will be here before the teeth come out!!!! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our Weekend

This weekend has been so much fun!!

It was Birthday Party Day yesterday!:)  The kids totally had their share of cake and ice cream with three parties and probably met their quota for the entire month in just one day!

M took the kids to Cousin Connor's bday in the morning(while I had a most joyous time at the grocery store - ha!), I took just S to Annabel the Dog's Posh Puppy Party and then I came back and got C to take both kids to C's friend's party.  Whew!!!  They had a blast as they partied it up!

After our 3rd party, we went to some friends' house for a most delicious chili dinner!!  The kids had so much fun that our friends' little boy tried to hitch a ride home with us and both of the boys were crying because they didn't want the fun to be over! 

Today, C was a little under the weather(too much partying?) so we ended up leaving church early and spending the afternoon at the house.  The weather was absolutely beautiful and we spent much of our afternoon outside playing.  Bliss!!!

An awesome, fun-filled weekend no doubt about it! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Operation: GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!

We have been kinda "stuck" inside all week, so we were due to get out and have some fun! 

There was no school today and sadly no snow as predicted either. 

We met up with a few friends from school at PlayNation for a couple of hours and let the kids work out some energy and play while the mommies caught up on "life"!  It was a great morning and I really enjoyed some adult conversation:)

This afternoon, after naps room time, we went outside and got some much needed fresh air!! 

Ahhh... I feel like a real person again!  HA!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Here, There, and Everywhere

This is an update of what we've been doing this week(which isn't much, don't hold your breath!) and is pretty much all over the place and very random:) 

Checking the mail during a short break in the rain.  I can't get S to come out to check the mail with me anymore, but C is always up for an excuse to get outside!

Gigi visited on Tuesday and after a day of playing, we went to S's dance class and dinner!

C entertained himself while we waited for Gigi and S to get out of dance by having the camera set so that he could see himself as I took pictures!  We did this for, I kid you not, 20 minutes!  HA!

I took the kids to Glazing Pot to paint pottery and we were in and out in like 45 minutes.  That makes me laugh because I had envisioned it being a big ordeal and spending at least 2 hours there painting and being artsy... I guess I should have known better:)  I can't wait to see the end results next week after they have been fired!

Eating ice cream and making sure that not a drop is missed:)

At least we ate healthy snacks since we obviously were not working off many calories couped up inside!

C-man discovered that clean sheets and rainy days are awesome for long naps:)

Good night, Kiddos!!  They went to sleep tonight hyped up with thoughts of the impending snow in the morning!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy!

That is what it has been here today... RAINY!!!

Yup, this lasted about 3 minutes, but I sure did try!;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oh Saturday!

So Daddy got home last night:)

We celebrated by having a relaxing morning(well, as relaxing as a house can be with two little ones!) and played with Play Doh and watched TV(C chose to sit in a box while he watched - whatever!!ha!). 

After lounging around, we pried ourselves out of jammies and C joined M for some tractor rides(it was 72 out today...woohoo!!) while I took S to her first big girl birthday party - the drop off kind!  Gulp!!  I had mixed emotions about this for sure!  I was excited for three whole hours to run errands and get some things done while she partied, but the party started at the girl's house and then they were driving to Monkey Joe's to finish out the fun.  I was so nervous about her riding with someone else, but everyone survived and S had a blast!!!  She thinks that now all parties are the drop off kind.... sorry, sweet girl, but Mommy will still be there for many more parties!  HAHA!!

Happy Saturday!:)

Friday, January 11, 2013

When Daddy is Away, We...

Have other BMI families over for pizza and outside fun!

Drive each other nutto!:)  Kidding... kind of!

Go to bed a little earlier, the kids do anyway - HA!

Make the bathroom one, big swimming pool with a sibling bath(we usually bathe them separately for this very reason, but they had a ball!)!

Have play dates at McDonald's, eat disgusting cheeseburgers and fries, come home and eat pizza and cinnamon rolls, feel absolutely G.R.O.S.S.!, and watch Disney movies:)

Eat THREE POUNDS of strawberries in TWO days...mmmm!

Although we've had good moments, and some not so good moments thrown in as well, we are beyond ready for Daddy to come home!!!