Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Girl Tooth

We were told we had a loose tooth on July 17, 2012.  Actually, we were told we had three loose ones in there.  They sure have taken their sweet time to get moving!!!

Last week S started complaing about her teeth hurting here near her gums and I knew that things must be finally making progress!!  I saw one of the teeth for myself this past Friday.

Today we saw the dentist for a regular 6 month visit and he told us to get her TWO bottom front teeth out within two weeks!  The big teeth are ready and those baby teeth apparently have got.to.go!  Sooo... S and I stopped on the way home and stocked up on popsicles(to numb the teeth) and apples(to crunch away on once the teeth are numb!).  He also told me get any pictures done now because this is the last time she'll have all her baby teeth!!  Too bad our family pictures are not until April... guess we'll be sporting big girl teeth in those!

I ordered S a cute little tooth pillow that I am hoping will be here before the teeth come out!!!! 


Amy and Michael said...

Awwww...so sad but so wonderful at the same time!

Amanda said...

Oh wow! That sounds like an intimidating mission. Hope those teeth cooperate!