Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oh Saturday!

So Daddy got home last night:)

We celebrated by having a relaxing morning(well, as relaxing as a house can be with two little ones!) and played with Play Doh and watched TV(C chose to sit in a box while he watched - whatever!!ha!). 

After lounging around, we pried ourselves out of jammies and C joined M for some tractor rides(it was 72 out today...woohoo!!) while I took S to her first big girl birthday party - the drop off kind!  Gulp!!  I had mixed emotions about this for sure!  I was excited for three whole hours to run errands and get some things done while she partied, but the party started at the girl's house and then they were driving to Monkey Joe's to finish out the fun.  I was so nervous about her riding with someone else, but everyone survived and S had a blast!!!  She thinks that now all parties are the drop off kind.... sorry, sweet girl, but Mommy will still be there for many more parties!  HAHA!!

Happy Saturday!:)

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