Saturday, July 28, 2018

July... and Summer is Almost Over:(

C had his first baseball practice - amazing coach!

Took the kids to Spare Time to play!

Hallmark is doing "Christmas in July"!  Whoop!

C got Legos for his bday and the kids have spent hours
doing this!

And of course Nerf wars;)

S started taking sewing lessons!  Amazing teacher!!

Football nights!

And card games on the porch!

Mmm.. Pink Mamas Ice Cream!

S and I went and saw Little Women at Logos Theatre!
First sewing project complete!  A purse re-purposed from
old jeans and an old shirt!

The joys of the grocery store!

C saved up enough money to pay for his portion of his
very own shotgun!
He LOVES to help in the kitchen!

School supplies purchased - $135!!!!

I snuck in a lovely massage with fresh squeezed juice;)

S finished her fleece pajama pants in sewing class!
It seems like everyone in Greer has been raving about this
place!  We finally made a trip and it did not disappoint!!!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Camp in the City

This week the kids have been at a camp at our church called Camp in the City.  It is a Pine Cove camp and essentially what they do is bring sleepover camp to a location and make a day camp out of it!  The kids have been in their "tents" with their counselors all week and a group of kids the same age and gender as them!  They have had a blast!

C was a bit unsure of all the singing, cheering and bible study the first day, but he soon found his groove and loved the rough and tumble nature of his counselor when they did activities!  He was in a group of eight boys and knew two of them from church!

S loved it from the moment we pulled up on Monday and has talked non-stop about it every afternoon!  I have heard endless camp cheers and all about her amazing counselor.  She is in a group of five girls and they all go to our church and were all friends beforehand!  This was not completely planned but it worked out great for the girls!!

On Friday, the parents were invited to join the campers at the end of the day for the closing ceremonies!  We were able to see the kids doing their cheers and hear about what a day was like for the campers.  At the end, we met up with the kids and their counselors back in the gym to hear what the counselors said they thought their characters qualities were:

S - bold(in who she is!), eager and expressive
C - determined, capable, agreeable(I question that last one a!)

I'm thankful that the camp took pictures and we could access them through the camp's app!  I always love seeing what the kids are doing when they are having fun and not with us!!

Such an amazing week for the kids!  They are already asking if they can go again next year!:)

S, Anna P., Anna G.

C running with the ball

S received the City Star (one girl and one boy were chosen each day
who "stood out" to the counselors) and she decided to do a little dance
when she got on stage:)

C's tent group

S in the front with grey/purple coat

Ella and S

C on the left with the grey Under Armor shirt

S's tent group

S in the pink shirt with her back to the camera

C's tent group again

S's tent group again

C is in the back in the grey Under Armor shirt

C in the background with the red shirt on

C in the red shirt - this picture cracks me up!

S with the tie dyed shirt

C on the right with the green shirt

C helping his counselor push the other kid

C and part of his tent group

C's tent - he is in the black shirt

S in the tie dye shirt

S again in the tie dye shirt

S's tent - S in the blue shirt

S and her counselor, Oli

C and his counselor, Rips

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Shipwreck Cove Water Park

This afternoon, we had a birthday party at a new-to-us water park, Shipwreck Cove.  We were really concerned that because of the weather, the party would have to be postponed.  But, luckily, the storms stopped just in time to give us an hour of fun and water - and, bonus, we had the place to ourselves! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Roper Mountain Camps - Week 1

Now that swim is over, we are on to the next part of our summer - camps!!:)

This week the kids were at Roper Mountain Science Center.  S did Culinary Kids again and C did Silly Slime.  I had to work most days this week and dropped them off at early stay each morning.  It worked out really well and the kids had fun with all the teenage leaders that were there playing with them early each morning! 

On Thursday, S's camp had the families come in to eat all that the kids had been making all week!  It was the same fare as last year, but S still had a blast cooking and I enjoyed eating - I went to the classroom next door and got C out of his camp to come enjoy the food too:) 

On Friday, S's camp took a field trip to Greenville Tech Culinary Institute.  Anne Howell was her teacher again and took pictures and sent them to me:) 

First week of camp was 100% success!!

Peeking through the window at C(red shirt!) while
waiting to go into S's classroom!