Saturday, July 28, 2018

July... and Summer is Almost Over:(

C had his first baseball practice - amazing coach!

Took the kids to Spare Time to play!

Hallmark is doing "Christmas in July"!  Whoop!

C got Legos for his bday and the kids have spent hours
doing this!

And of course Nerf wars;)

S started taking sewing lessons!  Amazing teacher!!

Football nights!

And card games on the porch!

Mmm.. Pink Mamas Ice Cream!

S and I went and saw Little Women at Logos Theatre!
First sewing project complete!  A purse re-purposed from
old jeans and an old shirt!

The joys of the grocery store!

C saved up enough money to pay for his portion of his
very own shotgun!
He LOVES to help in the kitchen!

School supplies purchased - $135!!!!

I snuck in a lovely massage with fresh squeezed juice;)

S finished her fleece pajama pants in sewing class!
It seems like everyone in Greer has been raving about this
place!  We finally made a trip and it did not disappoint!!!

1 comment:

GiGi said...

Love Stella’s sewing projects!!