Tuesday, September 30, 2008

S's New Kitchen

Next week is S's first birthday! I can hardly believe it! A couple of months back, we decided that we would get her a kitchen set as her gift. I started looking on Craigslist for one and soon found a GREAT deal that I couldn't pass up. I bought it at the beginning of August and it has been collecting dust and bugs in the garage since. Finally, yesterday, I drug it all out during S's nap and cleaned it. Here is the entire loot that I got for only $40 (minus the car and dog in the background) - why would anyone buy toys new, unless you are the grandparent b/c they've earned the right!!!

S has VERY, VERY few new toys, furniture or clothes. All her nursery furniture is from either Craigslist or a model home sale, her clothes are consignment (except for maybe 3 outfits that she has received as gifts) and her toys are either loaned to us, passed down to us or bought used! I love consignment sales and Craigslist and don't know what I'd do without them - go broke probably!!

Because I had spent all the time cleaning everything, I decided to go ahead and give her present to her a few days early. She LOVED it all! But, her favorites are the grocery cart that she can push around and all the different toy foods that she can carry around or put in her grocery cart!

Also, just for kicks, here is S playing with her ball popper again. She is all about this thing! I was in hysterics watching her:)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Night Football

Tonight our church had a flag football game. It was church staff vs. deacons. Even though this was flag football, if my husband had been out there I would have been a bit worried. I guarantee there are gonna be some seriously sore guys tomorrow!!!! Anyway, this was the first sporting event that S has been to, and she really enjoyed it - except for the heat (it was HOT)!! I think it was the continuous action on the field that had her enthralled. It was so fun to watch how intense she was! After awhile, though, I had to take her and seek shade. Apparently we weren't the only ones having issues with the heat, because half of the girls in my SS were also under the bleachers with their kids. OH, and S got her first kiss from a boy!!! Sweet little d2 is going to be so good with his new little sister/brother:)

On the way into the game.
Watching the game w/ daddy.
Notice the hat is now off, it was great while it lasted!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Day in the Life of S

S has a poodle purse that Gigi bought her last time we were in Atlanta a couple months ago, but just recently S has started carrying it around with her everyday.

And, not only does she carry it around, but she throws it over her shoulder like a real purse.

Also of great enjoyment is this ball popper machine (thanks Smarts!). It is super annoying to mommy which makes it that much more exciting for S. However, all of the balls are currently under the entertainment center and I'm in no hurry to retrieve them:)
Ahhh... digging in the toy box. Oh so many toys, which one will she choose...?!?!
The cell phone!! Here she is kicked back as she "talks" to her friends!
What a rough life this little girl leads!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

Cousin Lauren's Visit

On Wednesday, my cousin, Lauren, was able to stop in for dinner on her way from Greenwood to Raliegh. It was SO good to see her! We were sad she couldn't stay longer, but a short visit is definitely better than no visit! We'll see her again soon!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where is it??

S's new favorite game is to put her toys under the couch and then go in search of them. It is very amusing to watch!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Look Mom... No Pants!

You can imagine my surprise when I realized that S had somehow managed to get her pants off during her nap! I have NO IDEA how she did it, but I thought it was hysterical!!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

River Fest

Today, Gigi and I took S to Reedy Riverfest downtown. S thinks she is a big kid now because she can "walk" with the help of us and is so independent! We are starting to put shoes on her so that she will be use to them when she has to wear them in the fall/winter. I think she likes them! She was not agreeable with the camera and kept looking away - oh well! She LOVED all of the water things there were to play with down there - the fountains and the water spouts were her favorites. She loved splashing around and getting wet! She'll have SO MUCH FUN when she can really do it all by herself:)