Tuesday, September 30, 2008

S's New Kitchen

Next week is S's first birthday! I can hardly believe it! A couple of months back, we decided that we would get her a kitchen set as her gift. I started looking on Craigslist for one and soon found a GREAT deal that I couldn't pass up. I bought it at the beginning of August and it has been collecting dust and bugs in the garage since. Finally, yesterday, I drug it all out during S's nap and cleaned it. Here is the entire loot that I got for only $40 (minus the car and dog in the background) - why would anyone buy toys new, unless you are the grandparent b/c they've earned the right!!!

S has VERY, VERY few new toys, furniture or clothes. All her nursery furniture is from either Craigslist or a model home sale, her clothes are consignment (except for maybe 3 outfits that she has received as gifts) and her toys are either loaned to us, passed down to us or bought used! I love consignment sales and Craigslist and don't know what I'd do without them - go broke probably!!

Because I had spent all the time cleaning everything, I decided to go ahead and give her present to her a few days early. She LOVED it all! But, her favorites are the grocery cart that she can push around and all the different toy foods that she can carry around or put in her grocery cart!

Also, just for kicks, here is S playing with her ball popper again. She is all about this thing! I was in hysterics watching her:)


KLee said...

What a deal! Look at her pushing that cart around! She's not walking on her own yet, is she? It won't be long before you are running after her!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing find! Happy birthday to you both :) You just wanted her to celebrate early with you didn't you?!

It's a Mom Thing said...

Oh, how I love Craigslist!

I'm with you...most of the new toys we have are from grandparents. And T$ usually only gets new toys at birthday/Christmas unless the grands sneak a suprise during one of their visits.

You can get such good deals on used toys. And they don't know the difference.

Shelby said...

That is quite the set up! Many fun meals to come out of those toys!

Lauren said...

Is she walking???? So cute.

TCW said...

Isn't it funny what it takes to amuse us these days. She is the cutest thing.

Anonymous said...

Hope Stella becomes a better cook than her GiGi...a good thing that she is getting an early start!!