Tuesday, December 31, 2013

That Week Between Christmas and New Years

The kids are out of school, all the festivities are over, so now it is time to relax... hahahaha!!!!

If you think that is true, obviously you do not know my kids very well!

We've been going to the gym, had  a couple of birthday parties, had play dates with friends and cousins that we don't get to see very often and been generally trying to keep busy so as not to go nuts at the  house:)

Here are a few snapshots of our days...

S got a Kindle for Christmas...

So C inherited the LeapPad:) He doesn't care that it is purplish-pink!

Pretty much sums it up for the boy!

C got a saw for Christmas and has been "cutting" down our bushes.

Princess Belle:)

Party Time!

These were homemade, from scratch cupcakes... YUMMO!!!

Super-Daddy and his trusty sidekick fixing S's closet door!

Cousin Daven's Bday party

There were tractors at the party!

Lunch and park time with Cousin Will...

and Cousin Madeline!  I don't think she was so sure about
C doing the pushing:)  Don't blame her!

Ringing in the New Year, with sparkling cider and in the bed
by 10pm!:)


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

This morning the kids woke up with much excitement!!!  C was up first and went in to get his sleeping Sissy before making a mad dash for the presents!

It is so much fun as a parent to watch how excited they get:)  S was able to get presents from a PTA sponsored Santa Shop at school and was equally as excited about giving presents as she was about getting them!:)  Sweet girl!!

I couldn't tell you favorites this year as they both had a ball with all the stuff!  S got some matching clothes to wear with her American Girl doll, a bed for her doll, a Kindle, some books and games.  C received everything with wheels - a bike, tractors, trucks, cars - and also "worker man tools" - saw, bike tools, hammers, measuring tape!

Boy also went home last night and left the kids a sweet note letting him know he would see them next year!  They love their elf and have fun talking to him each day!  We'll see him again for more fun next December!

Boy finally returned after a round trip walk to the North Pole.  The kids
were instructed by Santa to spread the magic glitter he sent around the
house along with some sprinkled cinnamon so that Boy would
get his magic back and be able to fly again!

Boy brought letters from Santa for the kids!

S's letter

C's letter

Jingle bells:)  He brought each of the kids a jingle bell
necklace as well!
After hastily transforming our living room/toy explosion into a dining area for family, we rushed to get everything ready for everyone to come for lunch!

It was loud, crowded, food-laden, crazy and wonderful!  I wouldn't have it any other way!!  Both of the kids were great and shared and took care of the littler ones!  I was very proud of them both and glad to have the chance to visit with family too!
S and Daven - she took care of him all afternoon:)

Meme and all her great-grandbabies:)

Oh this picture makes me laugh!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Today was a little different than our Christmas Eves of past!

We are hosting Christmas lunch at our house tomorrow with about 25 people, so our day was spent cleaning and cooking and preparing everything for tomorrow!

The kids helped out as much as they could - C "helped" Daddy clean the bathrooms(M said his nickname should be Dennis the Menace - haha!) and S helped me bake cookies for Santa!  After all the chores were done, it was practically bedtime.  The kids threw some "reindeer food" out so Santa could see our house and the reindeer would have some munchies, then we read The Night Before Christmas before tucking two very tired kiddos into bed!  They were asleep before the door closed I think despite the excitement of tomorrow!!

M and I finished up the last of the present wrapping, put everything out under the tree and enjoyed a little quite before finding our way to bed as well!!!

Running errands - and eating ice cream!

Making an absolute mess with his ice cream!

The boys cleaning the bathroom - notice C has his cleaning
gloves on too!

Making cookies:)

She dressed up like a reindeer and was jumping around like they
were as she watched Polar Express!  It was hysterical!!

Cookies and a picture for Santa "To Santa and Boy
Love Stella and Colton