Monday, December 16, 2013

Kindergarten Bell Program

Tonight we attended S's kindergarten bell program and Christmas caroling!

We got there especially early and I had S show me where she was going to be on stage so that we got the perfect seats!  All was good until several kids from her class didn't show up and she was moved to a new set of bells and I couldn't see her from my seat!  Ugh!!  But, never fear, I was "that mom" who went up and sat next to the teachers on the floor in front of the stage to better see her and get pictures!  HAHA!!

She did an awesome, awesome job and was so proud and excited to be able to perform for us!!!

I had to do a lot of walking around the school with this
crazy kid while waiting for the program to start!  At least I got a
picture out of it:)

All the kids - you can't see S, so don't strain your eyes looking!

She was having to concentrate sooo hard on the music
teacher since she was playing bells she had never played

I didn't realize she had a dirty spot on the knee of her
jeans until I looked at these pictures!  Oh well!

She was very glad to have her whole family there!!!

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