Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday Happenings

Today after dropping S off, C and I came back to the house for a bit before I had to drop him off at school!  Usually, I go and run at the church gym on the indoor track with  him in the stroller, but today I had to go to S's school and didn't have time to shower and stuff after dropping him off.  Sooo... we came to the house and played trucks!  He loved it - even if the picture doesn't show it:)

While helping out at S's school, I snapped a quick picture of her and her AMAZING art!  She is very very creative and comes up with her own thing with art!  Very imaginative:)

Tonight before bed, we made "reindeer food" for Rudolph and the gang to munch on during their flight on Christmas Eve!  They had a ball, and I guarantee I will be finding glitter in my house for the next 8 months!:)

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