Saturday, December 14, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We finally got our Christmas tree this week and decorated it today!

We are still scared to pull out the nice/heirloom ornaments, but we have a bunch of handmade kid ornaments from the past few years as well as some ball ornaments!  The kids LOVED decorated their tree and are very proud of it!

I wrapped all of the gifts from us and put them under the tree this afternoon!  So far, nobody has attempted to get into them.  We'll see if they can refrain for the next week and a half:)

Deck the Halls:)

Thanks to this little guy, we had quite the plethora of ornaments
in one spot:)

Growing up, I always received a new ornament each year to add
to our collection.  I started that this year with the kids and they were
super excited!!  S got a Sophia the First(which she has already dropped
and broken..ugh!) and C got Jake from Jake and the Neverland

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Love the ornament tradition. We do it at our house too. It will come to mean so much to them! So fun to relive the memories each Christmas!