Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Cheer

Cavity Free!

She loves to make "nests" and "food for the birds" out of stuff that is
outside!  This time we thought it was truly a work of art!  She is soooo
creative in all that she does:)
We made delicious-smelling gingerbread play dough!

They were entertained for a good hour, and even then I made them put
it away to eat dinner!!

S had her annual eye appointment and checked out great!  We will
go back in another year to make sure it is all good:)

C and I made cookies and delivered them to the neighbors.  These
particular neighbors were not home "oh well!"

Our friends had a Christmas Vacation party!  SO FUN!!!!  M went as Cousin Eddie - and he was among 5 Cousin Eddies attending:)  I went as Ellen Griswold in her Christmas Eve outfit.  We had a ball!!

Me and Summer who is sadly moving to Texas on Friday:(

Me, Amanda, Camille and Summer

The whole gang!

The Cousin Eddies!!  HAHA!!


Amy and Michael said...

Love the costumes!

Amanda said...

Oh my word! M in that costume is absolutely hilarious! Why does S have an annual eye appt? Since R has such bad vision, he's always been a little bothered by D not being 20/20 yet...