Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Art Day

During the fall I had purchased a 3-pass deal to the CAT Studio for me and C to use!

We had one left, and I decided that today would be a great day to use it!  Well.... apparently this week is the last week before the morning "table time" classes are over for the summer and I think half of Greenville was also cashing in on their unused deals!  It was more crowded than I have ever seen!  I couldn't even park in the driveway/parking spots of the studio and had to park in the front lawn and was so so so scared that my car was going to be painted - I'm serious!

C knew just what to do this time and went straight for the sand box... of course, we are at an art studio and he wants to play in the sand!  HA!  Next we spent quite a bit of time doing spin art and then went outside to paint the house and trees and bushes and windows... just please not my car!!!  To my surprise, C wanted to come back in and do some more art!  What!?!?!  We went to the moon sand table and spent the rest of our time there while he balled up the moon sand and then meticulously used scissors(he invented this activity as the plan had been to use play dough molds, not scissors, at this station!) to cut and cut and cut!  We did this for a solid 20 minutes!  Then it was snack time which you better believe we will not be missing out on!

C gets more and more into the artsy stuff the more we do it!  I'm happy that he seems be enjoying it more than he did in the fall and, although I doubt he will ever enjoy it as much as his sister, it is good to know that we can do this kind of stuff and he is not completely bored/uninterested:)

They thoroughly enjoyed painting this mushroom!

See how close my car was to all the painting little ones!?!?!

He insisted upon painting the windows!

Aren't those hanging sticks neat??

Those were the very pointy kind of scissors he was using!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Park Days and a Lost Tooth

We have the threat of a very, very wet and soggy week coming up, and since the rain has been so nice and held off a couple of days, I took the opportunity to take C to the park while S was at dance!  We met Jeanne and Chloe there and the moms were actually able to have a conversation(well, in between helping my monkey be a dare devil monkey!!) while we watched the kids play!  Jeanne's other daughter, Ashley, is not going to be doing dance next year and we sure are going to miss them!  It was beautiful!!!  I love days like this - perfect weather!

Tonight while eating the remainder of her chocolate from the Easter Bunny, S FINALLY lost her tooth that has been so incredibly loose for so long!!  Daddy had just walked out the door to go over to the new house and work, but she insisted on calling and telling him about it!!  The Tooth Fairy needs to remember to come tonight - I don't know why it is so hard to remember!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shenanigans and Such!

I cleaned out the living room:)  I got rid of all of this stuff,
and they didn't even realize anything was missing!  That is how
much STUFF we have!!
I had to get some paint matched to the color that is currently
on our walls at Sherwin Williams and there was a kids corner
that kept the kids very entertained:)

Our first gallon of fresh strawberries - gone in less than
24 hours!!!!!

We put the kids to work sanding...

And vacuuming!

C dubbed himself "Bag Boy the Super Hero"!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wee Ball

Today both of the kids had their first Wee Ball practice!!!

The program is technically for 4-7 year-olds, but because he had a sister also playing, C was able to jump on the band wagon as well:)

The practices are for 3 Saturdays and 1 Friday evening and that is all!  It is just up the street, like seriously 2 minutes, so it is perfect for us to get a taste of "baseball"!

M had to work, so I took the kids to practice with a book in my purse and had glorious plans of sitting in the covered picnic area to watch and read while the kids played!  Are you already laughing!?!?  It did not quite work out that way... at all!  Also, keep in mind that I applied sunscreen to both kids but since I had not planned on being in the sun, I failed to do the same for myself!

When we arrived, both kids got a bag of goodies consisting of team shirts, hats and water bottles.  To say they were excited is an understatement!!  They also had wristbands for each kid, colored to show which of the 3 groups they would be in.  I opted to have the kids in different groups so as not to be a distraction to each other.  In hindsight, that was not the best decision I've ever made!  There were 3 groups and 3 stations set up - throwing, fielding/base running and batting.

During the first session, S was batting and I was able to help her out some and spend some time with her group but soon realized that I was going to need to stay with C the whole time.  It was to the point that the "coaches" thought he was a lefty.  Slightly humorous, but Ugh!  He was the youngest participant, I believe, and although he did great at the actual skills(that is, once they got him using his right arm and batting as a righty), his maturity and the ability to follow directions was a little lacking!

I thoroughly enjoyed being out on the field, but I do believe that next weekend I will have both of the kids in the same group because I honestly have no idea how S did because I was pretty much with C the whole time - and I will also put sunscreen on all three of us in the future!  HA!!

Ready to Play Ball!

Team Photo

C hearing all about how to run the bases - he had NO CLUE before today!:)

And, he's off :)

S batting

Check out that follow through!

S ready to field the ball - look at that stance:)

C batting

S batting
After practice was over, we took a picnic to the park and the kids made friends and played for a while and ate lunch before I surprised them with a trip to Dairy Queen for Blizzards!  They were over the moon!  We also took Daddy a Blizzard as well over at the new house where he had been working all morning!  Then, finally, we made it home for some much needed rest:)

I think this princess looks quite cute in a ball jersey and hat!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Beautiful Day

Today's weather was absolutely gorgeous!

Perfect temperature at about 78* and not a cloud in the sky!

We took full advantage of it after school!  C used his tools to "fix" the bikes and hammer a large nail repeatedly into the mulch while S decided wearing her Halloween costume would be a good idea!

The only thing that would have made the day better would have been to have a cooking fairy getting dinner ready so that I didn't have to come inside and do it myself:)  One can wish, right!?!?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Snippets of Our Life These Days

Before I snapped this picture, she was actually helping
him work on his letters, but then it just became a scribbling
S sporting her amazing Elsa shirt that Amanda made!

A boy and his tractor - it is in his blood!!

Just plain silliness!

We had our annual family pictures taken and when we got home
S wanted to do a little photography of her own:)

The kids and I ate ice cream(at 5pm!!!!) before dinner one day - GASP!  HA!

We were on our way to church, and I looked back in the back
seat and saw this cool guy sporting his shades!

He loves Chief!!!

I found this set-up in S's room after rest time one day!  All the
animals and friends are having a tea party complete with
homemade lemonade and chocolate chip cookies that S
made out of paper - she is so creative!!

M has finally finished the bathroom!  He even WAXED the
shower - and was quite proud of himself!  He worked very hard
on this!!

While checking on the new house, C was being a "worker man"
and balancing wood, one on top of another!  He was very pleased
with himself:)

S scaling dirt mountain at the new house!

The poor boy has to run about 1000 errands a week with me!
At least one of the stops was the bank where he was rewarded for
all his good help with a sucker:)

S dressed herself from head to toe in blue and green(although it looks
somewhat yellow in this picture!) for Earth Day and I told her to smile because
I wanted a picture of her - and I get a ballet pose, of course!

C's speech teacher needed to update her files for the year and
had C's school teachers complete a questionnaire for her.  I thought
the remarks from his school teacher were so sweet and just had to

I am working through this Beth Moore bible study right now,
albeit at a snail's pace, and loving it!!  Thanks for letting me borrow
it Chelle - I promise I'll get it back to you at some point!;)

I keep a "homework pencil box" for S in the kitchen that I pull out
only during homework time in an effort to keep the crayons
and pencils sharp and accessible so we are not getting frustrated
just trying to find what we need before we even start on the homework!  These are
the 3 pencils currently in her box.  None of them have erasers on them anymore
because she is so OCD about her handwriting that she is constantly
erasing!  Oh help me!!

We are loving having a reader in the house!  And this was
not even a posed picture!