Monday, April 28, 2014

Park Days and a Lost Tooth

We have the threat of a very, very wet and soggy week coming up, and since the rain has been so nice and held off a couple of days, I took the opportunity to take C to the park while S was at dance!  We met Jeanne and Chloe there and the moms were actually able to have a conversation(well, in between helping my monkey be a dare devil monkey!!) while we watched the kids play!  Jeanne's other daughter, Ashley, is not going to be doing dance next year and we sure are going to miss them!  It was beautiful!!!  I love days like this - perfect weather!

Tonight while eating the remainder of her chocolate from the Easter Bunny, S FINALLY lost her tooth that has been so incredibly loose for so long!!  Daddy had just walked out the door to go over to the new house and work, but she insisted on calling and telling him about it!!  The Tooth Fairy needs to remember to come tonight - I don't know why it is so hard to remember!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Whohoo - Congrats S! Love that picture of Colton.