Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Snippets of Our Life These Days

Before I snapped this picture, she was actually helping
him work on his letters, but then it just became a scribbling
S sporting her amazing Elsa shirt that Amanda made!

A boy and his tractor - it is in his blood!!

Just plain silliness!

We had our annual family pictures taken and when we got home
S wanted to do a little photography of her own:)

The kids and I ate ice cream(at 5pm!!!!) before dinner one day - GASP!  HA!

We were on our way to church, and I looked back in the back
seat and saw this cool guy sporting his shades!

He loves Chief!!!

I found this set-up in S's room after rest time one day!  All the
animals and friends are having a tea party complete with
homemade lemonade and chocolate chip cookies that S
made out of paper - she is so creative!!

M has finally finished the bathroom!  He even WAXED the
shower - and was quite proud of himself!  He worked very hard
on this!!

While checking on the new house, C was being a "worker man"
and balancing wood, one on top of another!  He was very pleased
with himself:)

S scaling dirt mountain at the new house!

The poor boy has to run about 1000 errands a week with me!
At least one of the stops was the bank where he was rewarded for
all his good help with a sucker:)

S dressed herself from head to toe in blue and green(although it looks
somewhat yellow in this picture!) for Earth Day and I told her to smile because
I wanted a picture of her - and I get a ballet pose, of course!

C's speech teacher needed to update her files for the year and
had C's school teachers complete a questionnaire for her.  I thought
the remarks from his school teacher were so sweet and just had to

I am working through this Beth Moore bible study right now,
albeit at a snail's pace, and loving it!!  Thanks for letting me borrow
it Chelle - I promise I'll get it back to you at some point!;)

I keep a "homework pencil box" for S in the kitchen that I pull out
only during homework time in an effort to keep the crayons
and pencils sharp and accessible so we are not getting frustrated
just trying to find what we need before we even start on the homework!  These are
the 3 pencils currently in her box.  None of them have erasers on them anymore
because she is so OCD about her handwriting that she is constantly
erasing!  Oh help me!!

We are loving having a reader in the house!  And this was
not even a posed picture!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Michael told us all about his work in the shower. I have 2 questions: have you let anyone use it now that is so clean? And when is he coming to do ours? ;)