Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's All About C-Man!

Today was full of fun and I devoted most of the day to him!!

We started out going to the gym, which he loves because he has lots of friends that are there!!  Then, we went and did a craft and met the Easter Bunny at Chick-fil-A and he played on the playground before we grabbed some lunch and took it to the park where we met up with his friend Carson(this poor kid never has a play date for himself, it is always for S and he tags along!)!  They were monkeys and crazies and all things boy on that playground!  After we finished lunch and left we only had about an hour before we had to head up "the mountain" to get S from school.  We ran a couple of errands and we both scored treats from Starbucks after a long, but fun, day!!

We will both sleep extra good tonight!!!!!!

S loves these kind of crafts - C loves the sharp, pointy object
more than the craft itself:)

C literally squealed when he saw the Easter Bunny coming!
He jumped down as fast as he could to give him a high five!!

And kept running back to give him more hugs:)

He sat with this bunny so many times, each time requesting
I take a picture of him!  Loved it!!!

Even when he was on the playground at Chick-fil-A he was
waving and hollering to the Easter Bunny to watch him!  HAHAHA!!

Little Monkey!

My reward!
Totally deserved this!!!  I did still have to get through the afternoon:)

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