Thursday, February 28, 2019

Braces for S!

S got braces today!  This has been a long time coming and she has been pretty excited about it!  During the process she kept telling me to take pictures;)  It took over two hours to get them on, and she was very excited when they were finally done! The past couple of days I've taken several pictures of her without braces because I knew she was going to look so different once they were on - and she looked so much older!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Axe Throwing

M and I had a date night tonight at an axe throwing facility!  It was so fun!!  M got to be really good at it and was hitting the bulls-eye every time!  I was decent and held my own, but I would't say that I should quite my day job for it;) 

The bulls-eye was destroyed when we were done!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents' Day at Big Air

C's friend, Gavin, invited him to Big Air today!  I've never let the kids go to a trampoline park before because I've been afraid they would hurt themselves, but I gave in and am so glad that I did.  S and I tagged along for just a while as well and the Sinclairs met us there as well and they all had an absolute blast!  So much more fun than I thought it would be!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Last Basketball Game

The boys had their last basketball game of the season today!  It was a tough game, and we hated to lose the last one, but they ended with a pretty good season and the third graders, C included, improved SO much in just a few short months! 

Like I said, it was tough!

Team picture!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Father Daughter Dance

M and S attended their last father daughter dance tonight!  Sad!  But, they had so much fun!  Both of them were dancing and hanging out with each other and with friends there!  This year dinner was provided before the dance, so that was a nice treat as well!  They came home sweaty with blistered feet - signs of a good night!

We went shopping and she picked out her dress and shoes
all by herself!  She loved it!

M even had a matching tie!

With her friends at the dance!


C and I went to one of our favorite pizza places, Merrells,
and enjoyed our time together as well!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Family Ice Skating

The kids were really wanting to do something different this afternoon after church.  M decided ice skating would be a fun family activity:)  I have been with the kids several times over the past few years, but M has not been since he was probably their age!  It took him a little time, but before we left, he was doing pretty good!  The kids had a ball and so did we!  A fun afternoon for sure!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

STEMFest at Roper Mountain

We didn't have a lot of time this morning before C's basketball game, but this is such a fun event that we made it happen even if just for a little less than two hours!  We spent our time at the top of the mountain where the kids made bridges out of Legos and then again out of Popsicle sticks, played with light and holograms, made slime, played with pulleys, built circuits, explored acids and bases and I'm sure I'm missing something.  We did as much as we could in a short amount of time and didn't scratch the surface on all that was offered!  When we finished with our STEM activities, we grabbed Chick-fil-A that was set up outside the center and pretty much ran to our car to get C to his game on time!  I'm always glad that we do these events and I'm glad that both of the kids have fun with it too!