Saturday, February 9, 2019

STEMFest at Roper Mountain

We didn't have a lot of time this morning before C's basketball game, but this is such a fun event that we made it happen even if just for a little less than two hours!  We spent our time at the top of the mountain where the kids made bridges out of Legos and then again out of Popsicle sticks, played with light and holograms, made slime, played with pulleys, built circuits, explored acids and bases and I'm sure I'm missing something.  We did as much as we could in a short amount of time and didn't scratch the surface on all that was offered!  When we finished with our STEM activities, we grabbed Chick-fil-A that was set up outside the center and pretty much ran to our car to get C to his game on time!  I'm always glad that we do these events and I'm glad that both of the kids have fun with it too!

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