Monday, March 28, 2011


This year on my semi-annual shopping trip at Switcharoos I decided that I would get S a couple of nightgowns for the first time in her life! I got all of her spring/summer clothes cleaned and put into her closet last week including her jammies. Well, Daddy usually gets her dressed for bed and she found the nightgowns and insisted on wearing them but I didn't get to see her in it and was SO disappointed! I got over it and did get to snap a picture in the morning when she got up(check out that sass!). She loved, loved, loved them and threw a fit when I made her get dressed for the day and told her that her nightgown did not qualify as a dress!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

Someone asked me at the gym this morning where my green was(I don't own any green exercise attire). I told her that both of my kids were sporting green and that since one of them it seems is always attached to me in some way, form or fashion that I consider them to be my green:) And such cute little green-clad Irish children!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fire Station

Doing a tour of the fire station with S is something I've been wanting to do for quite a while. Finally, we did it and both LOVED it!! The fireman were awesome with the like EIGHTEEN kids 4 and under that were there. They watched a fireman get all dressed in his outfit, a video on fire safety, demonstrated stop drop and roll, saw where the fireman "lived" when at the station, observed them sliding down the poll and then got to climb like ants all over the fire trucks! SO FUN!! I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, the moms or the kids:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Soccer Anyone

It is going to be so much fun to watch as the kids get involved in sports and activities and I am able to sit on the sidelines(or help coach!) and cheer them on!:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

C-Man's Friends are Turning ONE

Can it really be!?!?! Can the babies born around the same time as C really be turning one already?? Yup! We had our first bday party for C's friends today! It was such a fun party and C was able to eat mac & cheese for the first time as well as some wood chips! And, he got to ride his first pony! He really seemed to enjoy it and wanted to touch the pony but more than anything, he wanted to snack on the reigns:) I'm sure that was super sanitary! Oh well, he loved it and that is all that really matters to me! S went with us too since the birthday boys' sister is her friend and of course she had a blast as well. She played, played, played!! Great morning with great friends!:)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Science, science, science!

I'll say it again, we LOVE Roper Mtn Science Center! Right now we are in the middle of science fun. The first week was all about matter (solid, liquid, gas) and this past week was about clouds. Now, you may be thinking 'BORING' but S and all the other kids in the class have been totally into it! I love that she is learning such a wide array of things here and is enjoying it so much!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rainy Day

It has been so rainy lately and we haven't been able to get outside!! I started feeling like I had not taken many pictures of the kids lately, so here is what we've been doing. Boring, eh!?!?:)

Friday, March 4, 2011

What do you do when...

your little guy is on the move(rolling around everywhere) and you have to get a shower??

Here are a few of the things I've been doing lately that seem to work in addition to the tried and true jumperoo:

1. The cutest load of laundry I've ever seen(not to mention the drooliest too!)!

2. As S calls it, I put him in his "pen". But, not only does he go in, S has to be sure to be right there with him. This seemed like a great idea at first, but when I'm in the shower and I can't see exactly what she is doing to him it kinda scares me! I know at one point she was rubbing his belly with her foot like she has seen her daddy do to the dog. Yes, he was absolutely loving it and laughing. However, I can just see her losing her balance and stomping on him. I think this may be just a one kid pen from now on!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

8 Months Old

  • Started riding in buggies when shopping.

  • Getting too heavy to carry him around in the carrier, so we are using the stroller more and he gets to sit like a big boy.

  • One more tooth came in - total of 7 now.

  • Up on hands and knees shaking his booty. Crawling is in our near future!

  • He prefers to be on the ground getting into everything rather than confined in the jumperoo or exersaucer.

  • His baths are now in the big inflatable duck rather than the baby bath tub.

  • He is not a great sleeper! Whew! This month he is trying to kill us! Not to mention he has had a runny nose for like 2 weeks now!

  • I am weaning him off of nursing (I am kinda having a hard time letting go). He was just not really showing much interest in it anymore and seemed to prefer the bottle. I think the bottle is easier and he has gotten smart enough to know that now!

  • Sleeps from about 7:30/8pm - 7/7:30am. Wakes up once to feed in the 5am hour but we tend to hear him wake up throughout the night more often than that. He is taking 2 naps a day. The morning one is usually on the go and pretty short. His afternoon one is getting longer(YAY!) and I am trying to keep it consistent with S's quiet time. Occasionally, if I am out and about in the evening before dinner, he'll fall asleep in the car for a short cat nap.

  • Eats breakfast, lunch and dinner with us. Takes a bottle at 5am, 10am, 3pm and 7:30pm.

  • He has also started eating puffs without getting too choked on them!

  • As far as toys go, he has a tendency to prefer trucks and balls and generally things that make a lot of noise.

  • He is still fascinated with his sister and wants to be doing what she is doing!!
  • Loves to make noise! He will sit in his highchair and bang his sippy cup along the side of it as loud as he can and thinks it is hysterical!! Boys!!:)

  • Even at this age, he is trying to get into things more than S did. By this I mean, he is going to be into EVERYTHING in a couple months! He's already going for the wall sockets and trying to open up the entertainment center cabinets. S to this day has not tried to do either of those things!! Better start re-babyproofing!