Monday, March 28, 2011


This year on my semi-annual shopping trip at Switcharoos I decided that I would get S a couple of nightgowns for the first time in her life! I got all of her spring/summer clothes cleaned and put into her closet last week including her jammies. Well, Daddy usually gets her dressed for bed and she found the nightgowns and insisted on wearing them but I didn't get to see her in it and was SO disappointed! I got over it and did get to snap a picture in the morning when she got up(check out that sass!). She loved, loved, loved them and threw a fit when I made her get dressed for the day and told her that her nightgown did not qualify as a dress!


Amanda said...

Oohh we love nightgowns around here too! The hands on the hips make me laugh. Very sassy for an early morning photo op!

Double Dees in SC said...

Love that sassiness!

TCW said...

I love her and her sassiness. We introduced the gowns way too early, now we can't get her in anything else.