Thursday, February 28, 2013


The dreaded stomach bug hit me on Monday and I am just now feeling almost human again!  I don't remember being that sick in a very long time!!!  Glad to be back:)

This morning, the kids played with S's tangrams and both loved working on it together!  It was cute enough that it required pictures:)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Date Night with My Boys

S had another big girl birthday party tonight so it was just me and my boys!  C was sooo upset after we dropped her off that he was crying that he wanted to go to the party too and didn't want to leave.  It was pitiful and I felt awful for him and asked him what kind of special treat he would want after dinner(a dinner, at a restaurant, with just Mommy and Daddy and him which he has never(not even ONE time) had before) that would make him feel better.  He told me chocolate!  Ahh.. that's my boy!  Always makes me feel better too:)  Ha!  We ate dinner at Joe's Crab Shack and then bought him a candy bar on the way home!  He was exhausted and didn't make it two minutes in the car before he was asleep - I even tried to keep him awake by giving him a sucker!  But, never fear, when we got home and said it was time for a candy bar, he perked back up very quickly!  It was a good night, S had fun, and I am glad we got to take just our little guy out for dinner!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Squirrel Food and Bike Riding

The kids were making "nests for the birds" and decided that squirrel food(aka broken acorn pieces) were an essential part of it! They explored around forever making those nests!

When C got tired of nest making, he learned to ride his bike all by himself! Woohoo! He still can't get up a hill, but he can manage flat and downhill just fine! Such a big boy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sleepy Boy!!

So sweet!:)  I wish it happened more often!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Random Pictures from This Week

Reading at Barnes and Noble.

S watching TV - she is so flexible!!  She actually chose to sit like this, because it was comfortable to her!  Haha!

Dirt Mountain Take 2:)

Birthday party fun!

I took TWO hours to clean S's room this week! It was horrendous! I ended up taking out four bags of trash by the time it was all done!  It is far from perfect now, but it is so much better than it was!!

Grandpa stopped by for a couple of hours and to say the kids were excited to see him would be a huge understatement! They love their Grandpa!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Well, it looks like the "big snow" of this winter has come and gone - quickly!!!! The snow came down really hard for about two hours, and it was beautiful, and the kids were enthralled with it, but as soon as it stopped, it melted and we were left with not much more than a dusting! We went outside regardless and the kids had fun shoveling and running around in their snow boots!! After we were too chilled, we came in and enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate:) I guess, since we did get a little snow, I am ready for spring now! HA!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

We started our celebration off with blueberry muffins(a nice treat for the kids since we usually eat cereal or oatmeal!) and a few small gifts!! They each got new, much needed water bottles, stickers and cards that play music when you open them up(princess for S and Chipmunks for C). They were beyond excited and loved it all!!! So easy to please:)

Mid-morning, M came by to supposedly get his phone charger for the car, and popped in with roses instead! YAY!!! It was a wonderful surprise!  I loved them!!

We met M for lunch in downtown Greer where he was working which was a good change of pace for us as we rarely get to have lunch with him! Afterwards, C rode on the Bobcat and Excavator with Daddy before we headed home for a little rest.

We rounded out our Valentine's Day with chocolate covered strawberries after dinner!!

It was a special, low-key day and I think we all enjoyed it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

K4 Valentine's Party

Today S's K4 class celebrated Valentine's Day!!

  I was not a volunteer for this party, but some Mommy friends took pictures for me so I could see how cute all the kids were!! S came home so excited about the Valentine's she'd received, was thrilled from the party and on a sugar high from the treats and candy - I'd call the day a success:)

PS - S and I made her shirt so that she'd have a Valentine's shirt to wear for the event!  I wish this picture showed it better because it really did turn out pretty cute I think!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Play Date

We enjoyed a fun Valentine's playdate this afternoon at a friends house!

The kids did crafts, ate snacks and formed a band!

Happy (early) Valentine's Day!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Jesus Loves Me

Take 1

Take 2

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dirt Mountain

Marsha and her kids have dubbed my in-laws fields and dirt piles, Dirt Mountain! They have gone for the past year and have told us how awesome it is, but we have never been able to work out to go with them until today! And, oh boy, do I feel like I've missed out! The kids had an absolute ball as they scaled dirt mountains and went on treasure hunts and built entire towns of dirt. Their imaginations were in full gear as the had adventures around the property. I think they could have stayed there for hours and hours and hours! We will be going back again soon for sure!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

National Pancake Day

Well, IHOP has named today National Pancake Day so we celebrated in our jammies, with no lines at our own house!  I did this last year too and it was a hit!

This morning, when I got up to make the pancakes, I realized I was out of Bisquick(I mean, I don't EVER make real pancakes from scratch!!).  I defaulted to my Pinterest board and I had posted(two times so I must have really thought a lot about these!) a recipe for oatmeal banana pancakes.  Yum!  I made them and I thought they were delicious!!  The kids thought they were okay, but preferred the "real" ones:)  Only problem was that they were really thick and hard to pour into the molds and since there was no oil in them, they were also hard to get out of the molds because they stuck to it!  I made one for each kid with the back of it looking ridiculous because it was only half there with the other half still being stuck to the mold!  I made the remaining batter into normal, round pancakes!

And, in between pancakes, speech and dance, we made it to the library for story time!  Woohoo!!  Usually C does not participte too much and it done with it all in about 5 minutes!  I'm happy to say that he must be maturing because his attention span has expanded to make it 20 minutes WITH participation!  Almost the whole 30 minute session!  Gettin' there slowly but surely!:)  The kids did have fun, and then bubbles and stamps at the end are always awesome!

Happy Pancake Day!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Our family had a ball at the circus this morning!

I'm not sure who liked it more, the kids or the adults!

It was absolutely amazing!!!! Last year was S's first year going, but C was a bit young and stayed home with M. This year, though, I felt like he could handle it and he did an amazing job! I think the last 30 minutes or so he was getting sleepy and antsy(it was a 2.5 hour show!!), but he didn't want to leave either!:)

We all had our favorite parts:
M's favorite - the dual trampoline act
C's favorite - the guys doing gymnastics(he kept saying that he wanted to go down there and do it too which just confirms my thoughts of enrolling him in gymnastics in the fall!) and the elephants
S's favorite - the dual trampoline act and the dog show
My favorite - the elephants

We were definitely not disappointed by the show and will be going back again next year!!