Sunday, February 17, 2013

Random Pictures from This Week

Reading at Barnes and Noble.

S watching TV - she is so flexible!!  She actually chose to sit like this, because it was comfortable to her!  Haha!

Dirt Mountain Take 2:)

Birthday party fun!

I took TWO hours to clean S's room this week! It was horrendous! I ended up taking out four bags of trash by the time it was all done!  It is far from perfect now, but it is so much better than it was!!

Grandpa stopped by for a couple of hours and to say the kids were excited to see him would be a huge understatement! They love their Grandpa!


Amy and Michael said...

Wow! HUGE difference in her room. Want to come to our house? I won't even tell you how many boxes I have for yard sale now.

Chelle said...

Our girls must be kindred spirits. I have to do the same thing with Sara's room every time we have company since for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to double her room as the guest room?!