Tuesday, February 5, 2013

National Pancake Day

Well, IHOP has named today National Pancake Day so we celebrated in our jammies, with no lines at our own house!  I did this last year too and it was a hit!

This morning, when I got up to make the pancakes, I realized I was out of Bisquick(I mean, I don't EVER make real pancakes from scratch!!).  I defaulted to my Pinterest board and I had posted(two times so I must have really thought a lot about these!) a recipe for oatmeal banana pancakes.  Yum!  I made them and I thought they were delicious!!  The kids thought they were okay, but preferred the "real" ones:)  Only problem was that they were really thick and hard to pour into the molds and since there was no oil in them, they were also hard to get out of the molds because they stuck to it!  I made one for each kid with the back of it looking ridiculous because it was only half there with the other half still being stuck to the mold!  I made the remaining batter into normal, round pancakes!

And, in between pancakes, speech and dance, we made it to the library for story time!  Woohoo!!  Usually C does not participte too much and it done with it all in about 5 minutes!  I'm happy to say that he must be maturing because his attention span has expanded to make it 20 minutes WITH participation!  Almost the whole 30 minute session!  Gettin' there slowly but surely!:)  The kids did have fun, and then bubbles and stamps at the end are always awesome!

Happy Pancake Day!!

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