Sunday, March 23, 2008


Easter at our house was a good one! The Easter Bunny skipped over us, but next year I'm sure he'll make an appearance:) We dyed some eggs, but the colors weren't exactly what we had expected! Maybe we'll do better next year. We are going to use them to make egg salad, but M apparently didn't want to wait before eating them (see last picture)! Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!

The Poinsett Bridge

I've been in a training class for real estate this last week (and still have a week to go) so my MIL and mom have been keeping S while I am there. On Thursday after class, Mom and I ventured up to the Poinsett Bridge since it was so nice outside!

Eat Your Veggies

We've done carrots and green beans so far. Honestly, more ends up all over her than in her mouth. She seems to really like the carrots and not be so enthusiastic about the green beans. Next we are doing peas and squash...yummy!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Our Sunday School class had their social this afternoon at a local park. M rode the John Deere over. Too bad none of the kiddos wanted to ride it. He had a fun time riding it, though! Now, we are watching the NASCAR race while S naps. It has been a good afternoon:)

She's A Jumping Machine...

... well, she's getting there anyway!

Park and Chili

Thursday I introduced S to swinging and sliding at the playground of a local church (the park I went to first was closed for maintenance). She really liked it!!

That night, we took her downtown for some the annual Chili Cook Off. Whenever you go to an event downtown, you are bound to run into TONS of people! We had a great time and S seemed to enjoy all the activity:)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We had a GREAT day! Today was how I always pictured staying at home would be. I've had a few of these days over the last couple weeks and have loved, loved, loved it!!!
Mom to Mom this morning was wonderful as always, I got to have lunch with a good friend at Salsarita's (you're right Dawn, the Taco pizza is SO GOOD!), we surprised Daddy and stopped by his job site for a quick "hi" (and mommy got a treat from Starbucks), we went shopping for baby shower gifts at BRU and got a few extra goodies for S while we were there (why do I ALWAYS buy her stuff that she does not need when I go in that place?!?!!?).

Then, S and I had our first of many picnics. I think she enjoyed being outside but the sun kept getting in her eyes. I tried sharing my sunglasses with her, but she just tried to eat them:)

Oh, and on a completely different note, S was playing in her exersaucer after our picnic and I hear an explosion come from the diaper area. Usually, she'll have a second round before she is completely done. So, I wait a few minutes, and sure enough, I hear it again. These were two SERIOUS sounding incidents! I go to change her and discover that because she was sitting in the exersaucer, there is no room in the diaper for anything extra, so where does it go - up her back and all over EVERYTHING! Like a bomb exploded in her diaper! This was my first experience with this and could not stop laughing at what a MESS such a little baby can make!

Monday, March 10, 2008

She Flipped!!!

... Finally!!!:)

On Saturday, I had put Stella down for a much needed nap. Well, she was fussier than normal after I had put her in her crib. Michael went in to check on her and I heard him say "Ahhh... she's on her stomach!". Needless to say, the fact that she was now face down on her mattress scared her to death and that was the end of the nap! I did bring her out on the couch with me and Michael and she slept soundly between the two of us and loved it!

Most babies roll from their stomachs to their backs first, but not us! Now, if we could just get her to flip back the other way, we'd be in business! Naps are becoming very difficult because she continues to get flipped over and not able to get back over. She HATES being on her belly!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

To Throw or Not to Throw

This is Abby's idea of a good stick for me and Stella to throw for her.

Stella seems to be telling Abby that she's not so sure about that - it may be a bit big!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Looking Like A Liar

One of my best friends, Lee, visited us this weekend Needless to say, I was very nervous about how Stella would behave while she was here. Now, I've told Lee how fussy Stella can be and forwarned her that it might be a long weekend. Wouldn't you know it that Stella was a perfect ANGEL the entire time. Don't get me wrong, I was very relieved, but I know I looked like a liar and that she is nothing but sugar and spice and all things nice!

We had a great weekend of EATING, EATING and a bit more EATING. We went for a wonderful walk downtown, stopping to watch the road race start and for a yummy hot chocolate and did some shopping as well. After our walk we headed to Brick Street Cafe and had the world's best Love Muffins and chicken salad. That night we showed her the true Greer life and ate dinner at Lil' Rebel - good thing, because Stella was about at the end of her good mood and we needed to eat quickly and get her to bed!!!

It was a great weekend and I can't wait for this spring when I get to celebrate Lee's wedding with her!