Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January... Done... Already!

I've been LOVING these new blankets the kids got for Christmas!

S working on her Solar System Project

The kids love their blankets too!

M "watching" the National Championship football game:)

Shootin' the big gun!

Fun times getting the oil changed!

C has to go with me every Tuesday while S is at dance to
get my pre-made paleo lunches.  The nice lady there told him the previous
week that she would make him alligator and put it in my bag for him.  Sure enough! 
She remembered!  He LOVED it!!

My new Christmas toy came!

C's been working on his reading comprehension some at home!

Piano practice, too!

S got a mermaid tail kit for Christmas and got it done!
Cuddle time with this cutie!

Bowling with the Sinclairs!

We got new couches/recliners in our living room!  First time EVER we've purchased
NEW living room furniture!

M and I went to see Phantom with some friends!  I wish I'd
remembered to take pictures of our night out because it was a
fun and memorable one for the books for sure!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Basketball Game #2

Even though he has been practicing since the middle of November, for one reason or another(twice we were out of town, two have been cancelled and then throw in Thanksgiving and Christmas and here we are!) we just haven't been able to make the games! 

C finally played his second game this afternoon!  And scored TWO GOALS!!  I was so proud - even though I missed the first one because it was on the opening drive and I was talking! Oh well! So glad I got to see the second one!  And, in the end, his team won:)  Go Elk!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Still Out of School!!!

Today is day three of this "blizzard" but most of the snow is gone!  I had planned to take both of the kids with me to work today, but this morning Maxwell's mom texted me to see if he could go with them to Chuck-E-Cheese!  This is the first time I've allowed him to do something on his own like this and he was beside himself with excitement!  S was bummed, but she doesn't realize that she is always the one going off and doing stuff with friends while C is stuck with me!  So, he went and had a great time, and S came and suffered through with me - she did score a doughnut and a pack of gum so she didn't completely have a terrible day:)

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blizzard 2018

We woke up yesterday to almost 4" of snow and it was sooo powder-y and beautiful!

The kids were chomping to get outside and sled!  We went to the front of the neighborhood with the Vergas and played for a bit and then came back and had hot chocolate!  They played out and came back in all afternoon!

This morning we woke up and did it all over again:)

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Family Reunion 2018

This morning we drove down to the low state for our annual family reunion!  The kids were so excited to see their cousins!  We missed the reunion last year because it was cancelled due to snow so it has been two years since we've been down to the cabin!  We enjoyed time with our family and ate lots of good food!  The kids played and played and played!  It was a good time by all, as always!

Always loving on the dogs!

C and Daven had a big time! And those two little girls you
see running around trying to get in on the rough housing, they were
tough little girls!

Generational pic!

The 2018 crew!

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 - New Years Day!!

It's hard to believe we are now into 2018!!!  Time sure does fly!

We've been doing a lot of cooking the past week and today we continued to do that!  M got me a new cookbook and it is sooo good and we all enjoy it!  But, the recipes do require some time to cook!  What's better to do on COLD(the highs are not even above freezing!) days than to eat good food!

We also went to the movies as a family this afternoon - first time we've ever done that!!??!  We saw Ferdinand which was such a cute movie!  We came home and cooked some more from the new cookbook and settled in to watch the Rose Bowl(Georgia vs. Oklahoma) and the Fiesta Bowl(Clemson vs. Alabama).  I'm writing this during the Rose Bowl and know that we won't stay up late enough to watch the Clemson game - so GO TIGERS!!  We'll DVR it and watch it in the morning!:)

First EVER family movie at the theater!

Cheers!  Sprite!

Go Tigers!!