Wednesday, August 27, 2014

K4... Here He Comes!!!

C's turn FINALLY came this morning!!!  He has been watching his sister go to school for a week now and he was so glad to be going this morning as well!

He will be going 3 days a week this year, staying late 2 of those days!  He also is now part of the coveted "car line kids"!!!  I think this was what he was most excited about!!  I did walk him in this morning, he gave me a quick hug, and he was off!  I may have teared up just a bit, but it passed as soon as I got to the car:)  I got SO.MUCH.DONE in just 3 hours this morning!!
When I picked him up, it was in the car line, and he was so so so proud of what a big boy he was and was immediately making sure I got the "very important" papers his teacher had put in his bag!  When asked what he did today, he said, "Painted ladybugs.  And Brady picked his nose, and I picked my nose..."!!!  BUHAHAHA!!!  Apparently that really ranked high with him on activities on the first day of school!  
When we got home, he was all about helping me do things around the house, I'm guessing because he is feeling so much more like a big boy now that he is in K4 and getting big boy privileges!  

And, of course, I've got his annual favorites recorded:
TV Show - Jake and the Neverland Pirates(I'm going to throw in Curious George and Paw Patrol as well!)
Food - Chicken nuggets and cookies
Best Friend - Mark and Carson
Candy - candy cane(??)
Color - red
Book - Happy Go Ducky (S was influencing him on this one if you are wondering why they have the same favorite book!)
Activity - loving on Mommy(He really did say this first! Bless!!), hanging
Wants to be - TV Repair Man(buhahahaha!!!!!!) or a builder
I hope he continues to love school and learns a lot this year!  Go gettem' Buddy!!!

He was, obviously, quite proud of himself! HA@@

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Speech, Dance and Soccer Started Today!

Whew!!! Tuesdays are going to be B.U.S.Y!!!

This morning C started speech again.  He will still be going once a week for 30 minutes at the same place, but they have hired a second speech therapist - there are obviously that many kids that are needing speech!  I wish he was still with the same little boy that he was last year, but instead it is a different little boy and he seemed to like this kid just as much!  I liked the mom of the kid last year and will miss our conversations:)

After we picked S up from school, it was straight to dance!  She is doing BBIII(her ballet class and the last one before she has to go TWO times a week just for her ballet because she will be moving up to the pre-pointe classes... yikes!) and also jazz for the first time!  She was super excited about going to jazz today and was even more excited when she came out of jazz this afternoon!  I hope her excitement will continue and she will love dance this year!!

After dance, it was dinner in the car and straight to soccer for C!  He is playing through the YMCA this year so it is his first time playing on a real team!  There are going to be 8 kids on his team - 5 boys and 3 girls, I think - including his best school friend, Carson!  He had so much fun playing tonight, listened really well to his coach, and is actually a pretty good little player!!  We were making the comments on the sidelines that we felt sorry for the poor coach having to try to wrangle all the kids, but Coach Clay seems like he will be a good coach and we are excited to be cheering from the sidelines this fall!

Carson and C

The team

All of the older siblings of the kids playing had a blast
playing in the woods!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Silly Kids

Or maybe they have just been slap-happy from being overtired!?!?:)

They both came out of their rooms, ready for bed, in
froggy jammies:)  They were very proud of themselves!

This poor boy has sweaty, stinky feet - ALL.THE.TIME!!  Always has,
and I'm assuming always will - but I'm sure it will only get worse!  Bleh!
He had to air them out during our carpool line wait!

S decided to dress Abby up in M's shirt one afternoon!

But, among all of the craziness that is our life, the kids still find quiet moments(very, very short ones!) to take a break!

Friday, August 22, 2014

First Week of School... DONE!!


I remember this from last year too, but my kids were completely falling apart today!  Luckily, Gigi was in town to help relieve me because I was just as exhausted as the kids and had no patience for fighting!

We stayed around the house since we dared not take them in public anywhere!!!

They were very distracted by all the fun Gigi created for them, and I am so thankful because all I had in me was to lie on the couch - and possibly could even have dosed for a bit if it hadn't been for someone crashing through the door every 5 minutes!

We are ready for a lazy morning tomorrow!

PS - Most of these are of C, obviously, because S was at school most of the days!

Early morning at the park - it was just me and this kid! 

We had to spend some time watching contractors at the house -
I always make sure to bring lots of snacks:)

Gigi put C to work washing her car!

You know he loved this!!!

Snack time!

S reading the bible story before bed!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Buddy

C has become my little buddy this week since S has gone back to school!  We have actually had a great week, with wonderful behavior out of him(until the second we pick S up from school and then it is all over!) and lots of time together!!

He helped me scrub bathtubs and vacuum at the new house
for 3.5 hours and didn't complain even once!!

The horribly long car line begins!

This kid has some serious balance!!!!  It's crazy to watch
what he is able to do!

Fresh haircut, thank you Snip-Its Amazon Local deal!

Library time:)
We went to Lowes to make a return, and C scored some
new tools!

C had open house at school!  This is C, Colin and Davis!
Can you tell they are excited!

He's ready!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

1st Grade... Here She Comes:)

Today S started the FIRST grade!

I'm really not exactly sure how that happened, but it did, and she was beyond excited when she woke up this morning!

Donning her new outfit from Gigi, she proudly strapped on her Frozen backpack, new princess shoes and walked 5 steps in front of us all the way to her class - typical S!!  She is always leading the way.  I think it says something about her leadership personality!  It is apparent in all aspects of her:)

C and I walked her in, took a quick picture, she walked into her classroom, and didn't even look back!  Sheesh!!  I stood outside the door a few extra seconds, craning my head to see where she was, but I never did see her again!  When I picked her up this afternoon, she ran to the car, jumped in smiling and said, "First grade is the BEST ever!!"  She was in her element, and I know, she is going to have an amazing year!!

Every year I do a "favorite things" list with both of the kids!  I love looking back at them whenever yet another year rolls around!  

Here is S's 1st grade favorite things list:
TV Show - Sheriff Callie
Food - fruit
Best Friend - Kyrah(her best friend from her kindergarten class)
Candy - Cotton Candy(?candy?)
Color - Pink
Book - Happy Go Ducky
Activities - Going to the pool and to school
Wants to be - A veterinarian

I found the quote below, and it just screamed S's name - think A Streetcar Named Desire:)  HA!!!

My sweet girl will go to great places and will climb mountains and I can't wait to watch and be there for her - from beside her, behind her and cheering her on always as she conquers these mountains!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Last Days of Summer

We have tried to enjoy the past few days before school starts and we are having to get on a schedule!

Friday was a particularly lazy day!!!  We played outside for most of the day!  I didn't get out of my jammies until 4pm, and only then because we had absolutely no food in the house and we had to get dinner:)

Didn't even come in for lunch:)

Dinner at "Welcome to Moe's" as C calls it!

Saturday was spent over at the new house working on getting doors hung!

Lazy kids!  I was willing to let them enjoy it while they could:)

1st time cutting the grass at the new house!

Our poor, water-damaged foyer:(

So, so sad!!

Sunday was our neighbor, Mallory's, birthday pool party followed by a couple meetings and dinner at church!

Monday we met some friends at their pool and then met S's 1st grade teacher!

S and Anna

He's one strong kid!

Movie Stars:)

I surprised S with a new backpack - I'd told her that her
one from last year still worked so she could use it again!  She
was perfectly fine with this and it made me even more eager
to give her a new one!  She was SO SO SO excited!!!

Look out 1st grade... here.she.comes!!