Tuesday, August 19, 2014

1st Grade... Here She Comes:)

Today S started the FIRST grade!

I'm really not exactly sure how that happened, but it did, and she was beyond excited when she woke up this morning!

Donning her new outfit from Gigi, she proudly strapped on her Frozen backpack, new princess shoes and walked 5 steps in front of us all the way to her class - typical S!!  She is always leading the way.  I think it says something about her leadership personality!  It is apparent in all aspects of her:)

C and I walked her in, took a quick picture, she walked into her classroom, and didn't even look back!  Sheesh!!  I stood outside the door a few extra seconds, craning my head to see where she was, but I never did see her again!  When I picked her up this afternoon, she ran to the car, jumped in smiling and said, "First grade is the BEST ever!!"  She was in her element, and I know, she is going to have an amazing year!!

Every year I do a "favorite things" list with both of the kids!  I love looking back at them whenever yet another year rolls around!  

Here is S's 1st grade favorite things list:
TV Show - Sheriff Callie
Food - fruit
Best Friend - Kyrah(her best friend from her kindergarten class)
Candy - Cotton Candy(?candy?)
Color - Pink
Book - Happy Go Ducky
Activities - Going to the pool and to school
Wants to be - A veterinarian

I found the quote below, and it just screamed S's name - think A Streetcar Named Desire:)  HA!!!

My sweet girl will go to great places and will climb mountains and I can't wait to watch and be there for her - from beside her, behind her and cheering her on always as she conquers these mountains!!!

1 comment:

GiGi said...

So glad that her day went well....