Wednesday, August 27, 2014

K4... Here He Comes!!!

C's turn FINALLY came this morning!!!  He has been watching his sister go to school for a week now and he was so glad to be going this morning as well!

He will be going 3 days a week this year, staying late 2 of those days!  He also is now part of the coveted "car line kids"!!!  I think this was what he was most excited about!!  I did walk him in this morning, he gave me a quick hug, and he was off!  I may have teared up just a bit, but it passed as soon as I got to the car:)  I got SO.MUCH.DONE in just 3 hours this morning!!
When I picked him up, it was in the car line, and he was so so so proud of what a big boy he was and was immediately making sure I got the "very important" papers his teacher had put in his bag!  When asked what he did today, he said, "Painted ladybugs.  And Brady picked his nose, and I picked my nose..."!!!  BUHAHAHA!!!  Apparently that really ranked high with him on activities on the first day of school!  
When we got home, he was all about helping me do things around the house, I'm guessing because he is feeling so much more like a big boy now that he is in K4 and getting big boy privileges!  

And, of course, I've got his annual favorites recorded:
TV Show - Jake and the Neverland Pirates(I'm going to throw in Curious George and Paw Patrol as well!)
Food - Chicken nuggets and cookies
Best Friend - Mark and Carson
Candy - candy cane(??)
Color - red
Book - Happy Go Ducky (S was influencing him on this one if you are wondering why they have the same favorite book!)
Activity - loving on Mommy(He really did say this first! Bless!!), hanging
Wants to be - TV Repair Man(buhahahaha!!!!!!) or a builder
I hope he continues to love school and learns a lot this year!  Go gettem' Buddy!!!

He was, obviously, quite proud of himself! HA@@


Amy and Michael said...

So glad he is so excited. Can't wait to hear about his year!

Amanda said...

Ha! Love those first day activities.