Thursday, August 14, 2014

Children's Museum

This afternoon we met Amy and her kids at the children's museum!

The children's museum is always a fun place to go!  We seem to go once a year, this being our third time, and the kids seem to get more and more out of it each time!  I guess maybe their attention spans are longer as well!  I seriously think we could have spent the entire day here!!!

As soon as we walk in, my kids did what they do best... ran in opposite directions!  This is a fear I have when I take them to places like this, especially when we are with others!  They just GO!  Luckily, Amy's kids were much calmer and stayed with her so only 2 kids were running away, and not 4!

Anyway, we toured around the museum and tried to let the kids choose the direction we went and how long we stayed at each exhibit!

S's favorite was the grocery store(as always!!) and C's favorite was the construction zone with the climbing area and the race car being close seconds!

We were so glad to get to spend time with our friends and I'm so glad we get to see them several times a year!!!

The tongue - must be serious concentration!

She would spend HOURS here if possible!

C worked off some serious energy turning that wheel to
send the bricks up the conveyor!

The farm exhibit is technically for kids 5 and under - however,
I figured my 6-year-old was much less of a threat to younger kids than
my 4-year-old!!  So I let her play:)

Amy and I loved this - reminded us of our childhood!!  We
had to make ourselves back away so that the kids could play!  I
wish I'd gotten a group shot of all the kids, but this was the
only picture I got with all 4 of them in it:(

All 4 of them are in there - somewhere!!!

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