Monday, August 18, 2014

Last Days of Summer

We have tried to enjoy the past few days before school starts and we are having to get on a schedule!

Friday was a particularly lazy day!!!  We played outside for most of the day!  I didn't get out of my jammies until 4pm, and only then because we had absolutely no food in the house and we had to get dinner:)

Didn't even come in for lunch:)

Dinner at "Welcome to Moe's" as C calls it!

Saturday was spent over at the new house working on getting doors hung!

Lazy kids!  I was willing to let them enjoy it while they could:)

1st time cutting the grass at the new house!

Our poor, water-damaged foyer:(

So, so sad!!

Sunday was our neighbor, Mallory's, birthday pool party followed by a couple meetings and dinner at church!

Monday we met some friends at their pool and then met S's 1st grade teacher!

S and Anna

He's one strong kid!

Movie Stars:)

I surprised S with a new backpack - I'd told her that her
one from last year still worked so she could use it again!  She
was perfectly fine with this and it made me even more eager
to give her a new one!  She was SO SO SO excited!!!

Look out 1st grade... here.she.comes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That boy of yours has one big set of tonsils!!