Thursday, September 29, 2011

C's Art

I saw this idea on a photographer's blog (no idea whose!) and it looked so cute!! C did not think it was so cute:( He was intrigued at first when he was able to use the paint brushes, but his attention span is very very small. So, it wasn't long before he noticed all the bikes and balls and other fun stuff that he likes to play with about five feet away. But mean Mommy won't let him stop painting because he WILL like this and we WILL create FUN memories - HA! Anyway, I proceed to plop him in the middle of the paint and that just sends him over the edge. To be such a messy eater he sure isn't a fan of having paint on his fingers. Sheesh! I stood him up and helped him walk around on the painting and after about five minutes of this kind of torture, we went inside and cleaned up since both of us are now covered in paint. He threw an absolute fit because the poor kid never did get to play on any of that fun stuff that was so close it was a tease! Oh well, I got my painting and that was pretty much what I was after!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


We went to Nivens Apple Farm today with Amanda and Darcy and it was perfect (maybe a tad hot, but not too bad!). The girls had fun together hunting apples, driving the tractor, and playing on all the fun play stuff they have there. C was content in the stroller (he was super tired from a 5am wake up call followed by a day at school) but happily ran around when I did finally release him! There were only about 3-4 other cars there, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves! Great afternoon and now I have apples to use in all the yummy fall Pinterest recipes I've found:)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Must have been a good nap:)

Friday, September 23, 2011

If you give the girl a sucker...

the boy is probably going to ask for one too!

Gardens at Roper Mountain

Back on the farm! The kids learned about gardening - corn, beans, carrots, etc! They were able to sample the organic veggies, feed the animals and have a tea party for their snack! Fun as always and cute with them all in their hats:)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall's a Comin':)

Thanks to Pinterest, I have been trying to get more crafty with S lately! She LOVES, LOVES crafts and has had so much fun with these and the others that I wasn't able to get pictures of! Apple printing, Hershey kiss witches hats, pumpkin puppet!!

Monday, September 19, 2011


The other day we went to Hollywild. C had won a family pass for a day and we decided to use it while the weather was practically perfect! There were so many more animals there than I realized! We walked around and saw all the animals, S was able to feed them a bottle(or 2) and we went on a safari where we got up close and personal with some very large friends!:)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Both of my parents were able to come and visit this week! YAY for having help to entertain and watch the kiddos especially since C was not feeling well! We are always so happy when they come:)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Random pictures from the last month or so...

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today was the 2nd Saturday event at Roper Mountain Science Center and the focus was insects! Yucko, but S seems to like that kind of thing so I endure:) It really wasn't as bad as I thought and actually kinda cool. We saw lots of butterflies(which you know we have been into this year!), released ladybugs, did a fingerprint craft and S held the LARGEST GRUB I have ever seen in my entire life! And, of course, a visit to the science center without checking in on the farm animals.

Friday, September 9, 2011


That is what I am claiming today as - all mine:) HA! We have been go, go, go for the last few weeks and have not had a day that we didn't have something going on and don't for a long time.

Now, you all probably know me better than to think we sat around the house all day in our pajamas. After a nice workout at the gym, we went to the lake to feed the ducks. Awesome, except there were not any ducks. We fed the fish instead. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as we are out of bread, here come the ducks flying in. Oh well, their loss:) After a quick lunch, S crafted some while C was his usual destructo self trying to get into her painting supply (and had some success with it to!).

Then, it was on to do a little letterboxing and play at the park. Letterboxing didn't quite work out for us as I could not find the stinkin' thing and every time I put little dude down he would run into the street. Uggg... but, the playground was a success and both kids had FUN!

I enjoyed a day of not having a schedule and doing fun stuff when I wanted to!