Thursday, September 29, 2011

C's Art

I saw this idea on a photographer's blog (no idea whose!) and it looked so cute!! C did not think it was so cute:( He was intrigued at first when he was able to use the paint brushes, but his attention span is very very small. So, it wasn't long before he noticed all the bikes and balls and other fun stuff that he likes to play with about five feet away. But mean Mommy won't let him stop painting because he WILL like this and we WILL create FUN memories - HA! Anyway, I proceed to plop him in the middle of the paint and that just sends him over the edge. To be such a messy eater he sure isn't a fan of having paint on his fingers. Sheesh! I stood him up and helped him walk around on the painting and after about five minutes of this kind of torture, we went inside and cleaned up since both of us are now covered in paint. He threw an absolute fit because the poor kid never did get to play on any of that fun stuff that was so close it was a tease! Oh well, I got my painting and that was pretty much what I was after!

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