Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of School

Today was the first day of school and it was FABULOUS!!! S woke up super excited to be starting K-3 at a new school this year. C didn't know what he was in store for:) I made a special butterfly breakfast for the kids which looked a lot better in person than it does in the picture - tasted good too! We've always and forever done activities at our own church and I wasn't sure how it would go over going to school somewhere else. No worries! Both kids had great first days! S even came out to the car saying "I love this place!" I can't wait to see what the year holds for my babies!

Each year I am going to try and make a list of S's(and C's when he is a bit older)favorite things.

Here goes for K-3:
TV show: Caillou, Dora the Explorer(She told me these, but she rarely even watches Dora. I'd have to add to the list Max and Ruby, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse and Super Why!)
Song: Rock-a My Soul(on her 100 Bible Songs CD that we listen to every day in the car)
Food: anything sweet
Candy: dum dum suckers
Book: Emily's First Dance Class
Toy: C's ride-on truck
Activity: dance class
Wants to be: farmer(She already has an imaginary farm and animals and I hear about what they've been up to several times a day. She also tells me she is going to have to stay there overnight a lot and won't be staying here at our house. Hmmm... already trying to get away! HA!)

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