Thursday, September 1, 2011

14 Months

Yet another month has come and gone and my boy is 14 months old today!! WOW!

New this month:

We have started giving him a bath in the bathtub instead of his inflatable ducky. This happened before I was really ready for it but there was a hole in the ducky and I got tired of having to blow it up every night before giving him a bath. But, it all worked out and he does quite well in the big tub!

I've already posted about it, but he is WALKING! YAY! He started walking while in Hilton Head a lot more and a couple of days after we got back he was done with crawling and started walking everywhere he went.

He is NOT allergic to peanut butter! Awesome! But, let me tell you how it happened. The "rules" is that kids shouldn't be given peanut butter until they are TWO. So, I went across the street with S to our neighbor's birthday party and M stayed home with C while he was napping. M was to get C up just before we got home and give him a snack because we had another birthday party across town to get to. M got C up at the right time and got him a snack and thought all was good. When I came home, I asked what C had to eat. I was told he had some string cheese(which was a month past expiration!!) and peanut butter crackers(WHAT?!?!?). Oh my! Just took about 5 years off my life!

He has started finding it fascinating to pull hair - his sister's in particular!

He does not have many words still but he is getting good at pointing at what he wants in order to get his point across.

We are bottle free! Right after getting home from the beach we had a few rough nights of C readjusting to his bed. So, while we weren't sleeping well anyway, we took the nighttime bottle away. And, you know, he didn't even seem to miss it too much. Just about 3 minutes of fussing and that was it! Easy smeasy!

With all the walking the boy has been doing it was time to get him his first pair of shoes. He wears a 5.5 WIDE and is proud of them! He wants them on all day from the minute he gets up until he is in the bath. I think I may have even heard him say "shoe" a couple of times!


W and Js mommy said...

the 2nd pic looks exactly like Stella! He is sooooooo sweet!

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness, I miss this age! And yay for no peanut issues!