Wednesday, June 30, 2010

D Day!

Well, today is my due date and still no baby:(

I went to the dr this morning because this little guy was not moving much last night and this morning and usually he moves non-stop, especially at night!!! It made me a bit nervous and I didn't really want to wait until my appt tomorrow. They got me in and did an NST and ultrasound. He wasn't moving a whole lot, but he was doing good and they were not concerned too much about him. I had a few good contractions too while on the monitor that were about 5 minutes apart - nothing new there, I'm always having contractions they just don't do anything for me!! When the dr checked me, I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced so we decided to go with the induction since this was an improvement from last week at 1cm and 30% effaced. I was personally hoping she'd say that I was 4 cm and ready to go to the hospital to have the baby, but it didn't quite go like that:)
It is weird to have time to get things together and plan a little before going to the hospital. I was even able to get a quick little nap in:) Now my mind is going about 100mph of stuff to do before we leave:) So, instead of doing anything, I'm doing nothing and eating as much as I can before heading to the hospital- HA!
But, nonetheless, unless by some craziness our baby boy arrives tonight, we will be holding him tomorrow(birthday will be July 1st, like my grandmother's) and S will be a big sister!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pool Party

This afternoon our wonderful Sunday School leaders hosted a pool party for our class!! It was such a fun time and I even ended up having to get in my bathing suit which I profusely apologized to everyone there - it had not been my plan. But, as you can see from the first two pictures, every kid there except maybe one threw an absolute fit and wouldn't get in the pool when we first got there. S and T insisted that their mommies needed to get in too. What a Mommy will do for her child!:) As it ended up, though, S had SO MUCH FUN with her Daddy and I got to spend most of my time watching from the side or sitting on the stairs letting my belly float!

We had lots of swimming, food and good friends! Great day!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Advice into Action

I have been trying to do lots of fun inside stuff with S this week thanks to your comments on my blog, email and also on FB! I've tried to take some pics of what we've done since these will be some of the last of S taken as an only child (bittersweet).

Here's what we've done so far:

Monday - LOTS of art such as coloring with crayons and markers, painting, stickers, etc.
Tuesday - made brownies and had a picnic dinner in the living room while watching Barney.

Wednesday - went and saw a juggler at the library followed by a trip to Barnes and Nobel where S was allowed to pick out one thing for herself. She chose a sticker book with a little sneaky guidance from me:) Afterwards we had a lunch date at Jason's Deli and devoured some muffins together!!

Thursday - painted toes and fingers, and then M surprised us by getting home early and he and S made ice cream batch #2 and then we all went outside and played with the water table after dinner.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Week Away

So, here I am, exactly one week from my due date! Whew! I am quickly running out of clothes that fit and get looks of pity everywhere I go (old men just stare - have they never seen a pregnant person before???)!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Taking Advice

A friend of mine gave me some advice on Sunday that I already knew, but it helped to hear it again! She told me essentially to stop worrying so much about getting this baby out and start enjoying these last days with S as an only child!! Although that is easier said than done since I am borderline miserable, it is great advice and really made me start thinking about how I can make these last days with just S memorable for her and me!

I have not made a lot of plans with friends this week due to the fact that I honestly thought I would have already had this baby by now, so we have plenty of time to have some Mommy-Daughter time. I am having a hard time, though, coming up with things to do! It is pretty much too hot to do anything outside except first thing in the morning and I have too hard of a time maneuvering to take her to the pool or park.

So, this is what I've come up with...
  • Making brownies
  • Finger painting
  • Water table fun

Any other ideas???

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Our sweet friends celebrated their 3rd anniversary with their annual party! They do such a great job and we enjoy going every year! Although tonight was a bit on the HOT side, the homemade ice cream helped considerably:) Little Ryan and S play together so so so well even though they only see each other once a year. Check them out last year and they had even more fun together this year! I love watching S's friendships develop! Soon Baby Davis(our friends' little boy) will be right there with them! Thanks for a great evening, T & M, congratulations:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Big Sister Party/Baby Shower

Today, the girls in M's family hosted a Big Sister Party/Baby Shower for us! My mom was also able to come up and be a part of it!It was absolutely PERFECT!! I was not wanting a shower since this is my second baby, but M's cousin is quite convincing and having it also be a Big Sister Party for S made it seem like a great idea! We had lunch at Brick Street Cafe, my absolute favorite, followed by a cake from Strossner's, a new favorite now. Everyone was so generous to us and completely spoiled me and both of my babies!! Thank you wonderful family:)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Buoyancy is an amazing thing - especially when you are pregnant! I have been looking forward to going to the pool for weeks and for one reason or another it never seems to work out! But, tonight we finally were able meet our sweet friends at their pool and enjoyed a great evening swimming and having a pizza dinner poolside:)

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Boys

I don't know if I've even mentioned on here before how awesome our neighbors are!!!! Mrs. Anne and Mr. Shane live down the street from us and have two boys, one eleven and one seven. Mrs. Anne is one of the most thoughtful, sweet and generous people I have ever met and I am so thankful to have her has a neighbor:) Even though "the boys" as S calls them are older, they are wonderful with S and include her in their play whenever we go over to their house!

Tonight we were invited over to cookout with them and it was such a fun night. The boys introduced S to the trampoline for the first time which S wasn't so sure about at first, but after Daddy showed her it was really fun, she got on and was hooked! She loved it! Mrs. Anne and Mr. Shane were so sweet to swing with her and push her in the tire swing! I love our neighbors!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yesterday S and I went to visit Meme(S's great-grandmother). We don't get over to see her nearly often enough, so we were long overdue! Meme brought out the bubbles and even let S play with them while in the house. S was in heaven! Meme is getting ready to have THREE new great-grandbabies in the next eight months so S needs to take advantage of this doting while she still can:) She is going to have be share soon!! We had such a good visit and last night when we were saying our blessing before dinner, S included at the end "thank you for Meme"! She has never added anything to a blessing (unless she is singing her blessing that she learned at school) before and this just melted my heart!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

37 Weeks.... Come on OUT!!!

I hit the 37 week mark today and am now totally okay for this little guy to make his debut - and the sooner the better for me:) The nursery is done, the bags are packed, the clothes have been washed and hung up, the grandparents and neighbors are all on standby and S(and us) is ready to meet her baby brother! So, the only thing we are missing now is our baby!!
At my 37 week appointment this week, I asked the doctor at what point a baby drops. He said, usually about now. When he checked the head position of our little guy, he informed me that he had already dropped and probably wouldn't get any lower. WHAT!?!?!? SERIOUSLY?!?! I was expecting a little relief in the rib cage area before this baby came... so much for that - good grief!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Lovin'

We've had sand in our water/sand table this spring and decided that while M was pressure washing and cleaning the deck, we'd have him clean that out too and put water in it for the summer:) S woke up this morning asking if she could play in it but we had to put it off until after her nap this afternoon! She was all about getting wet and kept wanting to sit in it:/ I was scared to death she was going to get in it and fall over backwards onto her head. I tried implementing a one-foot-on-the-ground-at-all-times rule, but I still felt like I had to watch her like a hawk! Hmmm... I think I am going to get a small hard plastic baby pool to put out there too so she can have her choice of which one to play in!

After some water table fun, we made our first batch of homemade ice cream for the summer! S enjoyed getting to help stir it and put the ice and salt in. It was SO GOOD!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pressure Washed

Today M pressure washed our back deck. I knew it needed it, but it wasn't until I saw the difference it made that I realized how much it really needed it!! S was thoroughly entertained by the whole process and I am so glad to have my clean deck:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

George the Train

Today we met some other moms and their kiddos at the Pavilion for playgroup! SO FUN!!! We rode on George the Train (something I've been meaning to do for about forever with S!) She loved riding by herself with her friend and even got to pull the whistle after the ride! We then headed inside to the Bounce House:) I am so excited that S can do everything by herself and mommy can mostly sit and watch from the side while I chat with the other moms! Ahhh.... but, alas, I know that is all getting ready to change:)