Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yesterday S and I went to visit Meme(S's great-grandmother). We don't get over to see her nearly often enough, so we were long overdue! Meme brought out the bubbles and even let S play with them while in the house. S was in heaven! Meme is getting ready to have THREE new great-grandbabies in the next eight months so S needs to take advantage of this doting while she still can:) She is going to have be share soon!! We had such a good visit and last night when we were saying our blessing before dinner, S included at the end "thank you for Meme"! She has never added anything to a blessing (unless she is singing her blessing that she learned at school) before and this just melted my heart!


GiGi said...


W and Js mommy said...

What a special thing that Stella knows her Great-Grandmother. I just treasure the memories of William with Jordan's grandparents those are such special pictures to me know. Take many of them and the generations too....she will cherish them

Jessica said...

I love to see the different generations together, so very very sweet.