Monday, June 21, 2010

Taking Advice

A friend of mine gave me some advice on Sunday that I already knew, but it helped to hear it again! She told me essentially to stop worrying so much about getting this baby out and start enjoying these last days with S as an only child!! Although that is easier said than done since I am borderline miserable, it is great advice and really made me start thinking about how I can make these last days with just S memorable for her and me!

I have not made a lot of plans with friends this week due to the fact that I honestly thought I would have already had this baby by now, so we have plenty of time to have some Mommy-Daughter time. I am having a hard time, though, coming up with things to do! It is pretty much too hot to do anything outside except first thing in the morning and I have too hard of a time maneuvering to take her to the pool or park.

So, this is what I've come up with...
  • Making brownies
  • Finger painting
  • Water table fun

Any other ideas???


Jessica said...

This is such a great attitude to take during these last days of your pregnancy. Anything you do will be great, she'll love the Mommy time. Some ideas:

1. Beauty Parlor - hair, nails, makeup, the works

2. Slumber Party - put on your jammies, grab some baby dolls and pile in S's bed, whisper secrets to her that she passes on to the babies or take turns pretending to be asleep

3. Indoor Picnic - maybe on your bed since the floor is probably not your friend right now, nothing messy or course

4. Glamour Shots - let S dress herself up, and take lots of pictures of her. Use a solid colored sheet draped over the crib rail for a professional looking backdrop.

5. Movie date - snuggle on the couch and let her eat popcorn while you watch a movie together.

W and Js mommy said...

WHAT FUN IDEAS!!! YOU 2 are such great mommies!!! Caroline I can't wait to meet baby Fernando when I get back! :)
I love you girls for being such great mommies to take the time to REALLY spend with your sweet little girls for making memories that are special and that have meaning! It will mean the world to them when they look back and know how much you cared about the details.. IMPRESSED!