Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Lovin'

We've had sand in our water/sand table this spring and decided that while M was pressure washing and cleaning the deck, we'd have him clean that out too and put water in it for the summer:) S woke up this morning asking if she could play in it but we had to put it off until after her nap this afternoon! She was all about getting wet and kept wanting to sit in it:/ I was scared to death she was going to get in it and fall over backwards onto her head. I tried implementing a one-foot-on-the-ground-at-all-times rule, but I still felt like I had to watch her like a hawk! Hmmm... I think I am going to get a small hard plastic baby pool to put out there too so she can have her choice of which one to play in!

After some water table fun, we made our first batch of homemade ice cream for the summer! S enjoyed getting to help stir it and put the ice and salt in. It was SO GOOD!!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hahaha - one foot on the ground!