Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pool Party

This afternoon our wonderful Sunday School leaders hosted a pool party for our class!! It was such a fun time and I even ended up having to get in my bathing suit which I profusely apologized to everyone there - it had not been my plan. But, as you can see from the first two pictures, every kid there except maybe one threw an absolute fit and wouldn't get in the pool when we first got there. S and T insisted that their mommies needed to get in too. What a Mommy will do for her child!:) As it ended up, though, S had SO MUCH FUN with her Daddy and I got to spend most of my time watching from the side or sitting on the stairs letting my belly float!

We had lots of swimming, food and good friends! Great day!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Is it wrong that I'm laughing at pictures of our children crying?