Wednesday, June 9, 2010

37 Weeks.... Come on OUT!!!

I hit the 37 week mark today and am now totally okay for this little guy to make his debut - and the sooner the better for me:) The nursery is done, the bags are packed, the clothes have been washed and hung up, the grandparents and neighbors are all on standby and S(and us) is ready to meet her baby brother! So, the only thing we are missing now is our baby!!
At my 37 week appointment this week, I asked the doctor at what point a baby drops. He said, usually about now. When he checked the head position of our little guy, he informed me that he had already dropped and probably wouldn't get any lower. WHAT!?!?!? SERIOUSLY?!?! I was expecting a little relief in the rib cage area before this baby came... so much for that - good grief!


W and Js mommy said...

LETS GO FERNANDO----we are all ready to meet you! Lets post some pics of the baby's room----:)

Double Dees in SC said...

And you look just thrilled in this picture! :) I know you are ready. There is just nothing fun about those last few weeks.