Thursday, June 24, 2010

Advice into Action

I have been trying to do lots of fun inside stuff with S this week thanks to your comments on my blog, email and also on FB! I've tried to take some pics of what we've done since these will be some of the last of S taken as an only child (bittersweet).

Here's what we've done so far:

Monday - LOTS of art such as coloring with crayons and markers, painting, stickers, etc.
Tuesday - made brownies and had a picnic dinner in the living room while watching Barney.

Wednesday - went and saw a juggler at the library followed by a trip to Barnes and Nobel where S was allowed to pick out one thing for herself. She chose a sticker book with a little sneaky guidance from me:) Afterwards we had a lunch date at Jason's Deli and devoured some muffins together!!

Thursday - painted toes and fingers, and then M surprised us by getting home early and he and S made ice cream batch #2 and then we all went outside and played with the water table after dinner.

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