Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh... Crap!!


Yes, I know, I am posting about my son's poop! And, yes, I know it is pretty disgusting! However, my life right now revolves around poop, pee, spit up and throw up. Apparently I went to college to clean up bodily fluids all day - HA!!

It's only a phase, it's only a phase, it's only a phase...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photo Shoot

S has camp a couple of days a week for the next three weeks! She is so excited to get to play with other kids and I am so thankful to have just ONE child to care for during those hours:) Today S was at camp so we had a little photo shoot with C here at the house! During about an hour's time, he pooped twice, peed twice(both times the diaper was off of course!) and spit up all over himself. Whew! It is constant with this kid!!:)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Solo at the Park

Today I ventured out to the park with both kids by myself. Not too bad! But VERY hot, VERY fast! We got there just before 9am and had to leave by 9:45am because it was just so stinkin' hot! C slept the whole time (the heat knocks him out, even in the shade) so I was able to get some much needed quality time with S!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bottle Success!!

I am NOT going to make the same mistake with C that I did with S!!! S would not take a bottle until she was 8 months old because I waited to long to introduce it. Yesterday, my mom gave C his first bottle and he took it as if he were starving(I don't think I am going to have any problems with this child not eating!. Yay! I am going to try to give him at least one a day so that he is use to it and I will be able to get away every once in a while and not have to worry about whether or not he will be fed while I am gone! Freedom:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Bath

Today C is 3 weeks old! And, his umbilical cord finally came off. So... off to the bath we went:) He was not a huge fan of it, but wasn't too upset as long as his big sister kept him warm with water. It was so sweet to watch her with him. She was very diligent with her job of keeping the water flowing. C did give us a fountain of pee during his bath and again when we were getting his diaper on him and yet AGAIN when we were working on his second diaper. My goodness, boys are a new world to me!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's All Relative

After several "good" nights of sleep ("good" is very relative at this point) for C, we had a rough night last night. Rough meaning C and I were both up from about 3-6am. I am not a happy camper this morning. So, I decided to go back through some of my recent pictures of a peaceful baby to make myself feel better about things. It helped, a little;) Good thing he is so stinkin' cute!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Playdates and Party Time!

Over the past week or so we have been so blessed to have friends that will come by and visit with us! We've had a few mini-playdates at the house and of course I had to take pictures of S with some of her friends!

Then, this weekend, S's sweet friend had her 3rd birthday party! What a blast!! We took C with us too, but he slept through the whole thing.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do What You Gotta Do!

And if it is sleeping next to a running dryer, so be it! It works:)

Monday, July 12, 2010

On My Own

Today was the first day that I was on my own with both kids! I was really worried about how things would work out, but it ended up being a pretty good day!:) It was overcast and cool this morning so we were able to play outside for a while. We also had 2 visitors, one of which brought their daughter so S was able to have a playmate while the mommies visited. After all THREE of us napped (miracle!!!), I made a trip to Cupcake Couture to use a BOGO coupon I had just to prove to myself that I could get out of here with both S and C. It took me about 30 minutes to actually get everything together to walk out the door just to realize that C had blown out his diaper... sigh. It was a good outing and S really was excited when she realized that she got to get a cupcake out of the deal - and mommy was excited when the lady working was nice enough to give us three cupcakes for the price of one(since they are so expensive anyway!). Hopefully tomorrow will be as good as today was:)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

We are Family...

all my brothers, sisters and me!!

Last night we ventured out for the first time as a family of four to dinner! This was the first time that S and C were both in the back seat together. Although C could have cared less as he slept the entire time, S thought it was the coolest thing EVER!! Both of them were so good while we were out! It was a great night as a family:)

Friday, July 9, 2010


I've tried to remember to take pics of the visitors we've had come by holding C but haven't done a very good job! I just get so distracted that I forget to take pictures. Here are the ones I did manage to remember!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1 Week Old

Really!?!? It's already been a week??

Let's see if I can recap some of what has happened over the last week:

  • C wakes about 3 times during the night to eat - about every 2.5-3.5 hours (how I love when it is 3.5 hours!).
  • Poor guy has been called "Stellton" more than "Colton".
  • My nickname for him is "Buddy". S has taken to calling him this sometimes too:) S's nickname has always been "Boo".
  • He is awake a lot in the morning hours and evening hours but pretty much sleeps the middle part of the day away.
  • 4 days after leaving the hospital, C was back up to 8lb3.5oz. He was discharged weighing 7lb10oz. Think this kid likes to eat?!?!?
  • We had our first outing, other than to the peds office, to Babies R Us. He slept the whole time!
  • We have all fallen in love with our sweet baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

We pretty much missed the 4th of July this year - minus hearing the fireworks our neighbors so loving set off all night. I did, however, manage to remember to get S in her July 4th dress. Most of the day was spent outside in the shade and enjoying a bit of cooler weather and then we had lots of yummy vegetables from our garden for dinner. Very uneventful, but very enjoyable too:)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We made it home from the hospital yesterday!!!

C was not too happy at first with the whole carseat deal, but soon got use to it and was asleep before we got out of the hospital!

When we got to the house, S was SO excited to see her baby brother:) Despite a bit of acting out, she was amazing with him and is a natural nurturer! I can't wait to see how these two will bond, and of course fight, together as they grow up!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

C's Hospital Stay

We had a great experience at the hospital! The nurses and doctors were amazing and we could not have been happier with the facility!!

C's first night was on the rough side as he didn't sleep very much so neither did Mommy and Daddy! He did a lot better the second night and we also let our nurse "babysit" him at the nurse's station so we got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep. Ahhh... it's amazing what your body can do on such little sleep! Hopefully, though, tonight will be even more of an improvement - Please!!!