Thursday, July 8, 2010

1 Week Old

Really!?!? It's already been a week??

Let's see if I can recap some of what has happened over the last week:

  • C wakes about 3 times during the night to eat - about every 2.5-3.5 hours (how I love when it is 3.5 hours!).
  • Poor guy has been called "Stellton" more than "Colton".
  • My nickname for him is "Buddy". S has taken to calling him this sometimes too:) S's nickname has always been "Boo".
  • He is awake a lot in the morning hours and evening hours but pretty much sleeps the middle part of the day away.
  • 4 days after leaving the hospital, C was back up to 8lb3.5oz. He was discharged weighing 7lb10oz. Think this kid likes to eat?!?!?
  • We had our first outing, other than to the peds office, to Babies R Us. He slept the whole time!
  • We have all fallen in love with our sweet baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The first picture looks so much like S at that same age.

Courtney Langley said...

He is SO cute Caroline! Reading your blog and seeing the all of the pictures makes me excited I've only got 10 weeks to go!

Amanda said...

how is it possible for him to keep getting cuter and cuter?! sweet little buddy.

TCW said...

He is so beautiful. I am so glad that things are going good. I can't wait to see him.