Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh... Crap!!


Yes, I know, I am posting about my son's poop! And, yes, I know it is pretty disgusting! However, my life right now revolves around poop, pee, spit up and throw up. Apparently I went to college to clean up bodily fluids all day - HA!!

It's only a phase, it's only a phase, it's only a phase...


Jessica said...

Um yeah, I feel your pain. At least C's doesn't stink - right?!

Amanda said...

Oh my word! What happened?! I have a coupon for Stanley Steamer if you need it :)

Kate said...

oh wow. so sorry!! fingers crossed...I've yet to experience the projectile poop. If I do, I'll be asking you for advice :)

Michelle Y said...

Yikes! I'm sure that day will come for me soon! This too shall pass! ;)

Double Dees in SC said...

OK, I'm did this happen? Was it from a faulty diaper or were you carrying him from the bath....or is he a prodigy who is crawling at a month? :)