Sunday, June 29, 2008

What a Weekend

This weekend was so busy and so much fun.

On Friday night, we kept JP while his parents went out and enjoyed an evening alone!! JP and S had a lot of fun playing together - and stealing each others' toys:) JP is quite a man's man these days. M came home and JP wouldn't let him even stand up! So, M was able to relax in the recliner with JP in one arm and S in the other. JP is MUCH better at just chillin' than S is!! I think we all had a good time:)

On Saturday night, J3 had his 1st birthday! We had so much fun with his mom and dad and our other friends that were there! It will be so much fun to watch as these kids grow up together!!

On Sunday we had some friends over to cookout! We let the kids get in the baby pool and they had a BLAST!!! They were spashing and jumping! S had a lot of fun b/c usually it is only her in there by herself. With other kids it is so much better!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Miss Independent

This past Sunday S decided that she was NOT going to eat baby food anymore. Every time I attempted to come at her with a spoonful of baby food she pushed it away and closed her little mouth. Humph! And she was such a good eater! So, now we are doing finger foods. It has been quite interesting. She isn't able, yet, to pick up the fruits b/c they are so slippery in her fingers. She does okay with some veggies like carrots and squash and inhales crackers, Puffs and Cheerios. What fun (and a mess) to watch her as she learns to feed herself! These pictures are her first finger food meal consisting of carrots, squash, bananas, bread and Cheerios. I know, random!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rockin' and a Rollin'

I have a feeling S will be crawling ANY DAY!!!! She is up on hands and knees and just a rockin! She goes backwards, but falls on her face when she attempts to go forward - it's kinda sad. I got a good video of it this weekend and will post it later. She's also able to sit up from a lying down position by herself. It was somewhat humorous, I put her down for a nap and she just kept crying and crying, so M went in to check on her (this is where a video monitor would have come in handy). He came back laughing and said she was sitting up in the corner facing the wall. Poor thing! She must have gotten herself up and then didn't know what to do about it! We both got a kick out of it!

That was the end of laughing today, though. S is either coming down with something or she is teething again. She was up ALL NIGHT last night whimperin and she had a slight fever this afternoon - topped out at about 101. We never could get her down for a nap this afternoon after we found her sitting up in her crib. Needless to say, she was a basket case today (and M and I are well on our way to needing a sanity check!). Hopefully tonight will be better!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Isle of Palms - Part 2 The Newlyweds!

The second weekend of our beach trip was my college roommate's wedding! What a BLAST we had! There were a bunch of us girls who had not all been together since my wedding almost FOUR years ago! We had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! It has been a long time since I've done that much dancing at a wedding! I can't wait for one of the other girls to get married so we can do it all over again:)

S's "Aunt Susan" brought her this VERY cute bathing suit with matching hat and shoes. S just loved eating the shoes. She'll wear them eventually!

A little relaxation before the wedding festivities begin!

Dressed up for the rehearsal dinner.

We headed over to listen to a band play up on the roof after the rehearsal dinner.

Isn't she a beautiful bride?!?!

All the girls are back together after almost 4 YEARS!!!

Dancin' the night away - M and I were both sore from so much dancing the next day!

The final farewell at Starbucks the next morning!

Isle of Palms - Part 1

Last week we went to Isle of Palms - it was WONDERFUL!!!! This was S's first trip to the beach and she loved it. She enjoyed all the attention from Gigi and Grandpa, loved the beach and the ocean and wanted to eat as much sand as she could (we didn't let her of course) and splashed around in the pool! We stayed for an entire week and I could have stayed for another several! I found out while we were there that M has never been on a 7 day vacation - never! You learn something new about your spouse all the time! S was such a trooper as she was drug around everywhere and had her picture taken about 1000 times. She loved the attention, though, just like her daddy! While we were down there she cut 2 more teeth (#7 and #8), so there were a couple of rough nights thrown in there, but all-in-all she was a great! I have so many pictures and can't decide which ones to use, so this is going to be a multi-post series! I'm excited to see what kind of trip we will do next year:)

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Not Poop This Time, But....

Looks like I had an accident doesn't it?!?!?!

Well, I didn't, but I sure was embarrassed!

S and I went to Clemson today to check out some property and afterwards we had lunch at Pot Belly Deli. Going in, I'm sure everyone thought, what in the world!?!!? I had my very large purse, S's diaper bag, a cooler with her food, a separate bottle warmer and S's floppy seat. Not to mention, S was in my arms too. I might of well have been moving in! I find a LARGE table and deposit everything but S and my purse on it and go in search of a bathroom. I am about to bust! Find it, and have to go with S on my lap - that was a first! Thinking back as I am typing this, probably would have been much easier if I'd used the stroller! So, get that taken care of and order my food. They bring it out to the table when it is ready, THANK GOOODNESS b/c I was out of hands at this point. I get my cup of water and head to the table to start feeding S. I sit down at the booth with her in my lap while I get things together and get her floppy seat in the high chair (if you don't know what a floppy seat is, check this link out While doing all this, I put my cup of water where I think it is safely out of S's reach - WRONG! She grabs it and drenches the both of us! Now, being a prepared mommy, I have a change of clothes for her, but of course not me! I JUMP out of the booth, but too late. I am wet as can be. Get this, NOBODY offers to help me! Not one person! I suppose it is because they were all college kids and really didn't have a clue what had just happened! But still, I could have used a few extra napkins:) Anyway, what can I do but eat my lunch and feed S hers while I sit in a puddle of water?!!? I was determined, though, to get out and walk around Clemson since it has been about 1.5 years since I was there last and so much had changed. I figure I am old enough now where I won't run into anybody I know, so, I walk around, with my pants soaking wet and get quite a few stares from people! It was pretty funny!!

Ahh... like I said in my poop post, the joys of being a mom:)

Splish, Splash!!!

On Saturday, we put S in the baby pool outside for the first time. She really liked it!! There was a really cute video of S splashing in the water, but I couldn't get it uploaded onto Blogger. Oh well....
Oh, I just noticed that you can see the shadow of the umbrella I was holding over S so she wouldn't get sunburned. I'm sure if the neighbors saw us they were thinking "rednecks!"
So what?!?! It was fun and a bit comical too:)