Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rockin' and a Rollin'

I have a feeling S will be crawling ANY DAY!!!! She is up on hands and knees and just a rockin! She goes backwards, but falls on her face when she attempts to go forward - it's kinda sad. I got a good video of it this weekend and will post it later. She's also able to sit up from a lying down position by herself. It was somewhat humorous, I put her down for a nap and she just kept crying and crying, so M went in to check on her (this is where a video monitor would have come in handy). He came back laughing and said she was sitting up in the corner facing the wall. Poor thing! She must have gotten herself up and then didn't know what to do about it! We both got a kick out of it!

That was the end of laughing today, though. S is either coming down with something or she is teething again. She was up ALL NIGHT last night whimperin and she had a slight fever this afternoon - topped out at about 101. We never could get her down for a nap this afternoon after we found her sitting up in her crib. Needless to say, she was a basket case today (and M and I are well on our way to needing a sanity check!). Hopefully tonight will be better!

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