Sunday, June 29, 2008

What a Weekend

This weekend was so busy and so much fun.

On Friday night, we kept JP while his parents went out and enjoyed an evening alone!! JP and S had a lot of fun playing together - and stealing each others' toys:) JP is quite a man's man these days. M came home and JP wouldn't let him even stand up! So, M was able to relax in the recliner with JP in one arm and S in the other. JP is MUCH better at just chillin' than S is!! I think we all had a good time:)

On Saturday night, J3 had his 1st birthday! We had so much fun with his mom and dad and our other friends that were there! It will be so much fun to watch as these kids grow up together!!

On Sunday we had some friends over to cookout! We let the kids get in the baby pool and they had a BLAST!!! They were spashing and jumping! S had a lot of fun b/c usually it is only her in there by herself. With other kids it is so much better!!

1 comment:

Outnumbered! said...

I can't believe S can sit up so well. Time really flies! :)